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You CAN Play Type I #54: The Control Player’s Bible Part XXII – Head to Head With The Funker

The Funker is a psychotic deck that’s has characteristics in common with The Deck, Zoo, and Stacker 2, but isn’t really any of them. It’s dangerous as all hell. And Oscar goes head-to-head with it in a lightsaber-clashin’ battle to the finish!

The Daily Shot: The Eight Finest Magic Writers

Here are eight guys you should read. Read as many of them as you can, and you’ll be taking in the best that internet Magic writing has to offer. These are the guys you absolutely should not do without; not if you call yourself a fan of the game, and of the written word.

Wonderboy: An Attempt To Link Tenacious D To OBC

By now, you’re maybe thinking,”How can a three-color deck make Wonder work?” Or maybe you’re thinking,”Hey, that blisterguy is a mad, hotty MC hottison.” And you’d be right. But maybe you’re thinking,”Mmmm. Oprah, whipped cream, and two flavors of catfood. Me like!”, in which case you need help. Soon.

Double Or Nothing: I Need Wrath Of God!

Okay, you got us: Technically, this is a tourney report. But realistically, Jim does such a fine job deconstructing why his UZI ‘Tog deck fails in OBC that we felt we just had to put it here. What separates the winning ‘Tog decks from the losing builds?

Multiplayer Is An Art, Part 16: Ten On Three, Multiplayer-Style

How many good creatures have there been for three mana? What other three-mana creatures have influenced multiplayer? Stijn takes on Geordie Tait and comes up with not only the top fifteen three-mana creatures in multiplayer, but the top five three-mana enchantments!

The Daily Shot: Trouble, Don’t Catch Me Here

All the parts of Magic that are fun without the need to win? They’re gone from my itinerary, and from town. When did all the fun seep out of this damned game?

The Daily Shot: The Walamies Deck

This is just a thing of beauty. I’m still learning to play it, and I’m not sure how the sideboard works against Monoblack just yet (it’s a tough matchup), but I’ve just crushed the U/G and W/G decks I’ve played against. Let me tell you what I’ve learned about the deck from about thirty test games.

Magic Online: The Terms Of Service

Have you ever read the MOL Terms of Service? Do you know that, legally speaking, you don’t own the cards – even though you’ve paid money for the packs? Abe dissects the ToS and finds some legalese you might want to think about before you play.

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #42: Swinging in Type 1

Remember – in Type One, the Power Nine aren’t what kill you; it’s what you cast with the Power Nine that destroys. Want to know the most common cards that can turn any losing proposition into a rout?

CASUAL FRIDAYS #137: Alpha Males

Lots of stuff I want to talk about this week – some new decks, how Magic players act, my dog, how writers write, my various neuroses – and it all comes back to the Alpha Kavu. Or maybe another card.

You CAN Play Type I #53: The Nantuko Conspiracy

you have to critically determine which games are won due to Shade and which are due to,”Hymn, Hymn, I win!” The variants are very close in terms of cards used, play the same strategy, and you have to base your judgment only in the games where the changes made an impact. Obviously, it’ll take people a while to notice something… And even longer to decide if there’s a problem.

Who Plays Rootwallas Anymore?: Dave’s PTQ-Houston Report

I’d settled into mono-black, as we’d gotten a version that we felt could handle U/G and wasn’t that bad against G/W either. I’d started with the strangler-heavy”Snarf Black” and morphed it into this version, called”Desperado.” Originally it was”Disco Strangler,” but when I took the stranglers out, I needed a new Eagles song to use.

The Human Component

So how was it possible for me to I have fun if all my hopes couldn?t come true? The key was the people who I played with.

The Daily Shot: Work With Me

I don’t gravitate towards games that are”like work.” You can play Magic: The Gathering as a lark and not have a care in the world. It isn’t the games – it’s me. I make my games like work. Do you?

My Wife The Unicorn

I learned a very important lesson at GenCon – not necessarily about OBC, but about Magic in general. But to get to the lesson, you’ll have to stay with me through a discussion of the World’s Weirdest Top 8, a Big Decision made before the tourney, and the usual fluff that I put in my so-called articles.