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Sisyphean Thoughts

The picture of a man rolling a stone up a hill for eternity, only to have it keep rolling back down, is iconic. It strikes a chord with many readers, and this relatively minor Greek character has retained a place in many peoples’ minds.
And here is the Magic application: Do you feel like Sisyphus?

Block Rock

“Always choose rock – good ol’ Rock”

-Bart Simpson, shortly before getting wrecked.

What, one Rock isn’t enough for you? How about this amazing variety – the elusive triple Rock, Rock, Rock metagame! Nate offers some advice on how to deal with a format where the two big decks are, um, equal.

The Daily Shot: How Legends Are Borne

Mirri, Cat Warrior. Thriss, Nantuko Primus. Kamahl, Pit Fighter. Legends have long been a feature of Magic most revered by casual players and storyline aficionados the world over. Legends have mystique… But that mystique disappears when it comes to Constructed.

Mixed kNuts: Dog Days of Summer

For those of you that haven’t been reading all the OBC news out there, Jordan piloted the following build to a win at Harrisburg two weeks ago. Yes, that would be a Solitary Confinement build. Yes, it did qualify somebody – and yes, I’ll give you a decklist.

The Daily Shot: Who The Hell Is Team Member #3?

I could stumble into the patent office, high on crack, and trip over a better idea than Stern Judge as a”hoser” for monoblack. What was R&D doing? I guess they were too busy grooming Benevolent Bodyguard to be the second coming of Savannah Lion, or taking rotating hits off of someone’s exhaust pipe, or something like that.

Where R&D Errs

How does R&D refusal to treat three-mana as a green weenie affect the environment? What does red discard mean to red’s strength as a whole? Why did white, which got weak madness activators, get the weakest madness cards as well? An analysis of what R&D didn’t do… And thoughts on what they could have done.

Double Or Nothing: Pick ‘N Mix

After round six rounds of OBC on Day three of Worlds, nine players had achieved the amazing feat of a 6-0 record.. Which means that a lot of people will be trying to copy those decks. Let’s look at a few things you should look at before you pick up an”undefeated net deck,” including their opponent’s win/loss record and their matches.

Simple Block, Simple Deck, Complex Conversation

“All I did was come in unannounced. It’s not my fault you procrastinate and refuse to playtest.”
“Procrastinate? Refuse to playtest? How dare you, sir! I’ll have you know I’ve been playing the same monogreen deck for nearly two months!”
“You are a liar and a cad, sir! I challenge you to produce a decklist that smashes black.”
“Gladly. Behold!”

CASUAL FRIDAYS #138: Random Topics In The Dog Days Of Summer

Wanna hear about a new Team Sealed with four packs? How about an all-green super-highlander variant, and the power card that Anthony misses? Check it out and say howdy!

What IS Psychatog?

Why is Psychatog so damned strong? Daniel looks at ‘Tog from the classic rock/paper/scissors perspective and tries to place it properly.

You CAN Play Type I #55: Unquiet Speculations

Just how out of touch am I with the mainstream Magic world? It hit me when I finally found the time to click to the Worlds coverage: I couldn’t relate to a single thing. And frankly, I blame the Sideboard.

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #43: Random Musings

Discussions of Worlds and what was fun to play, OBC and what’s not fun to play, and a look at why you probably shouldn’t unban all the Type One cards unless you really, really trust your playgroup.

The Daily Shot: Magic Poll Theater 3000 – 8th Edition Summer, Part II

Tim:”I’m not going to calm down! I’m going to say it loud and proud – screw the people who enjoy playing Ensnaring Bridge and Static Orb!”

On The Board: Changing The Face Of 5

I was recently selected to be on the 5 Color Voting Committee, and now I have to decide what to vote on for the month. How should Wishes be used? What card needs to be restricted in 5? Let me tell you why, and the strategy behind my decisions.

The Daily Shot: Magic Poll Theater 3000 – 8th Edition Summer

Timmy, Spike, and Johnny walk into a bar… No. They walk into a movie theater. Where they debate the various merits of 8th Edition’s Summer Voting and get stuck to the floor. Nobody mentions Mr. Babycakes, thankfully, or a fight would have broken out.