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FINAL JUDGEMENT: Taking Jim At His Word

I read Jim Ferraiolo’s article about his B/G Oversold Cemetery deck with great interest, because it’s a style of deck I love. I decided to take it to a tournament as a pre-Regionals run; how did his deck do in a real-world test?

The Messenger Must Die: Sifting Through The Cold, Hard Standard Statistics

Since I am supposing that Legions is not a major influence over the Standard metagame, I can look at results from large Standard tournaments from before its release and include them in my tracking. I have a boatload of data to look through to find the strongest deck; the deck most likely to land me a qualifying finish in the Regional tournament. What have I discovered with looks at the Top 8s from States and the National Qualifiers?

Countdown to Regionals: Casting Costs? Who Cares?!

I tried Ben Seck’s original deck, but found its dependence on Buried Alive to be too big a problem. I tested Zvi’s B/G/r deck and discovered that it was too inconsistent for this hyper-aggresive environment. So eventually, I developed a hybrid deck that has a tremendous amount of power behind it and is capable of stunning feats that no conventional deck can come close to matching. It’s extremely fun to play and scary to face – two things that go a long way in an event like Regionals.

From Right Field: How To Remain Calm

Will last weekend’s results scare me away from playing Phantom Living at Regionals? Of course not! I’m not smart enough for that. I really do chalk last weekend up to a string of bad luck. Besides, it’s been doing very well in testing and got me to the Top 4 against the same field the last time I played it.

You CAN Play Type I #84: Is Gush > Ancestral Recall?

Taking a page from other blue-based decks from High Tide to Forbiddian, Roland added red to his deck in anticipation of the mirror, and went 7-0 at the last Dülmen, beating two other Growing ‘Togs. To make room, he even removed Berserk, figuring he wouldn’t need to slip past as many blockers. This is the deck that many people are now claiming is almost unbeatable. It proves, they claim, that Gush is broken.

The Compleat R/W Drafter’s Guide

W/R is near and dear to my heart, constant reader, because there are some things you just don’t forget. Your first kiss, your first sexual experience, the time you decided to cram some excitement back into your life by diving out of a moving plane – these are all memories that linger at the forefront of your mind. And one of my most cherished Magic memories is the time I qualified for the Pro Tour by playing R/W in the Top 8.

Magic Art Matters: The Scourge Art Preview

Is it possible that I have already seen the best piece of Scourge artwork here? I could easily imagine that it’s true – and if not, then there must be some really special works in store for us.

The Green/Black Dilemma: Crypt Sliver!

This is the issue at the very heart of this dilemma: What is Green’s game these days? Paul would have you believe that aggro is every bit as viable as control. This dilemma is about far more than a simple two cards; it is about a general philosophy in this color combination.

The Green/Black Dilemma: Stonewood Invoker!

Green/Black is a deck that wants to put on steadily increasing pressure in the form of larger and larger creatures backed by removal and some amounts of evasion. Creatures with an efficient ratio of power-to-casting-cost are paramount to this strategy, as there is no better way to make your opponent fold under your pressure… And Crypt Sliver has no synergy with any of the cards in Green.

Evaluating Something Cool

At Pro Tour: Chicago this year, the room was buzzing about the triple-Exalted Angel deck. Now, double Exalted Angel is certainly ridiculous… But the person who had the deck still only went 2-1. If a deck with three Exalted Angels can go 2-1, then it is clear that every deck is at risk. What sorts of things does a good draft deck need, and how can you draft to support it?

When Rules And Flavor Conflict

Now that Magic is all about rules, the idea of the planeswalker casting spells has gone out the window. Shouldn’t you be able to Clone a legend – and isn’t it slightly ridiculous to think that anyone can control Yawgmoth’s will? How can you match the reality of the rules up with the story you’re running in your head?

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #64: The Staple Cards, Part 1

I want to talk about the must-have cards that are not really expensive. These are the cards that you should try to get hold of first, before anything else, if I wanted to build a new collection and planned to play many formats (including multiplayer) for a long time.

Peasant Magic Revisited: A New Horizon Awaits

Ever since I joined the Peasant Magic council, I’ve been doing a lot of playtesting to see the effects of potential bannings on the Pez metagame. So I figured, why not toss out some of my playtesting decks? The beauty of a Pez deck is that you can build somewhere in the neighborhood of fifty decks to try around – since they all use mostly commons. Here are my bigger hits.

Bowling For Regionals: Tech From Foreign Lands?

Life has prevented me from fully dedicating time to one of Magic’s greatest pleasures: Deckbuilding. Unfortunately, I’ve basically been relegated to netdecking like everyone else, allowing myself the pleasure of tweaking the decks to give it a slight rogue flavor – and hopefully not ruining the gumbo in the process. What variants on classic builds are people running these days, and do any of them have good ideas?

From Right Field: How To Catch Dinner

We knew that the deck wanted to do two things: Stay alive long enough to hit Threshold, thus exploiting the Hunting Grounds, and drop critters that we wouldn’t normally have a chance to cast. And whether it’s competitive or not, which I believe it is, I must say that the deck is more fun than a roomful of drunk monkeys with typewriters.