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Mining The Crystal Quarry: The Basic Rules Of Conduct

Morality and ethics debates aside, there’s only one conscionable way to behave – and that’s properly. Unlike the debate on a casual banned list, ethics and morals are pretty one-sided and black and white… And I think it’s about time I listed the basics of ethical behavior for you all.

You CAN Play Type I #94: Sifting Through Scourge, Part IV – Enchantments and Artifacts

When the Scourge spoilers first came out, people took a look at two cards. Mind’s Desire was the first (and with good reason, if you caught Part II of this series), and Parallel Thoughts was the second. I thought too many people misread Parallel Thoughts, though. Again, if I’m talking about five mana, then I want something as gamebreaking as Morphling or Memory Jar – and many bombs cost less.

The Ten Principles Of Type One

This article will provide a much-needed introduction with the most important principles to understand about the Vintage Format as it currently exists. While it is addressed towards those who are interested in learning the format, I think many Vintage Adepts will find this article interesting as well… And it will serve as an excellent reminder for anyone who’s attending any Vintage tournaments at origins this weekend.

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #70: Origins’ Creature Feature

Every year at Origins, PES holds a casual tournament for prizes – and this year it’s Creature Feature, a format that is all creatures, no spells… And no nonbasic lands. What does the metagame look like for this oddball format, and how can we break it wide open?

So You’re Making A Last-Minute Trip To Nationals!

If you plan on playing in all of the grinders, then you need to expect to pay about $20 for the Sealed and about half that for the Constructed matches. All in all, you’re looking at roughly a hundred big ones, plus whatever you need to spend on food. Don’t forget to mention hotel accommodations, parking fees, and gas money. Some people even need to get transportation to and from the airport as well as pay for a plane ticket. One thing I can suggest, though, is to do your homework on how to save money….

StarCityGames.com Is Heading For Origins!

Many of our staff members will be attending Origins from Wednesday until Sunday.

During this time, some customers may experience brief delays in receiving their orders. If this is the case, please accept my apologies in advance and know that we are doing our best to process everyone’s order as quickly as possible. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to help.

StarCityGames.com is proud to be sponsoring Origins 2003! Plan on coming? Visit us at Booth #97!

Yet Another Useless Article About A 5-Color Deck

My 5-Color deck reflects an inner anal-retentive nature that Taeme, a.k.a. Iain Telfer, loves to point out on roughly a biweekly basis. It is focused on two colors, and the other colors will feature no more than eighteen cards each. Not nineteen: Eighteen. Only eighteen. Damn straight I’m sticking to that.

The Origins Metagame

The next Constructed PTQ season is going to be Onslaught Block Constructed. The first of these qualifiers will be held Saturday, June 28th at Origins – but because this event is happening before July 1st, Scourge will not yet be legal. This gives us an excellent opportunity for a last look at the pre-Scourge Onslaught Block Constructed metagame.

You Wake Players Are Scum

Pompous, arrogant, subhuman scum. Every single one of you. You think you are smarter, faster, and more desirable to the opposite sex than other players, simply because you choose to play Wake… And I think it’s time someone cut you egotistic scum down to size.

Mixed kNuts: Sabermetricians And Magic

The discussion is deeper than anyone has talked about. In fact, it relates directly to the advancement of knowledge for our game. And aside from Ben Bleiweiss complaining to me over AIM, nobody else is discussing it. So it looks like it’s up to me to eat the parfait, and explain why not having decklists for every deck played at a Grand Prix or Pro Tour is the biggest problem in the game today.

A Closer Look At Mono-White In Onslaught Block Constructed

The Mono White deck has been getting some recent play online. Scourge has only been out for a couple of weeks, but already there is a buzz developing around the decktype – and yet I’ve seen a lot of radically different deck lists and philosophies: What I’d like to do is break down the possibilities for Mono White and give the reader the tools to build a better Mono White deck.

Four Crimes Against Humanity

In Houston, I once witnessed an eight-year-old kid (who inherited his brother’s cards once he went into the army) trade a Juzam Djinn for a Mahamoti Djinn. He didn’t want to do the trade initially, but the jerk adult who pushed for it got him to change his mind by pointing out how the Juzam”hurts” him while the Mahamoti not only flies, but has greater toughness…

You CAN Play Type I #92, Part I: Mana Drain To Be Reprinted In Eighth Edition

Each year, I put off the scheduled column for a week and sift through reader mail a second time. Today’s the day. I’ll answer questions on the Type One World Championships, defend my dislike of Back to Basics yet again, and try to calm Anthony Alongi the heck down.

The Third Level: How To Draft Like A Poker Player

The more you try to outwit your opponents and get in their heads, the more you can forget the obvious. I see players all the time trying to be like Mike McD in”Rounders,” setting their little traps, doing more acting than Robert De Niro, not realizing how obvious it is that they’re full of BS. You don’t want to be so tricky that you trick yourself. Oftentimes, the easiest play is the best play.

Scourge Through The Looking Glass

If you want to know what happened in Scourge the novel but don’t have the time to read the whole book, this is your source for a storyline update unlike any you’re likely to find on the internet – three hundred and ten pages are summed up in just over five thousand words.