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You CAN Play Type I #110: Study Extended And Grow Strong

What I fail to understand is why people pooh-pooh Type I players who call for a brake on the format’s still-unrestricted broken tempo cards and call them”casual” players, but not bat an eye when Kai Budde says:”I hate the format. Basically, if you want to win, you have to build a deck that wins on turn 2 or turn 3, and if you do that it always becomes really inconsistent.” It’s pretty much the same problem in Type I. But hey, I like being on the same side of the argument as Kai Budde.

Be Warned That You Might Have To Face Tinker: Lessons From New Orleans

The Ferrett covered New Orleans this weekend, and saw all of that broken Tinker action up close and personal… And in the process, he catalogued all of the common wisdom that everyone at the Pro Tour seemed to know instinctively. So let the Here Edits This Site Here guy explain why you shouldn’t count on Tinker being banned, why the format will be slower even if it’s not, why mulliganing is key in this format, and what single card is the most complex card in Extended!

Double or Nothing: Black And White.

I put a lot of effort into testing for Champs this year and chose to play B/W Control. I found it capable of dealing with Goblins and random creature decks, and still able to compete against control decks. So why did things go horribly wrong, and what’s the real problem with B/W Control that I didn’t consider?

Standard – The Decks To Beat!

Champs have come and gone… and a NEW gauntlet has been created in it’s wake. Ladies and gentlemen… the NEW Standard decks to beat!

Extended – The Decks To Beat!

Pro Tour New Orleans has come and gone, but not before giving us the NEW Extended gauntlet! StarCityGames.com proudly presents the Extended Decks To Beat!

Ranking The Mirrodin White Cards, Or If You Give Me Another Feature Match I’m Going To Scream

As usual, one of the internet’s most entertaining writers would like to remind you how horrible he is… Yet somehow he has a 1900+ Limited rating and made Day Two at Grand Prix: Kansas City. He’s going to show you the white picks, explain his finish at the Grand Prix, and discuss his growing loathing of Feature Matches. Listen to him. He’s good.

Don’t Cry For Me, Georgia

“Dude, that B/R Control deck looks like crap.”

“Of course it looks like crap. It is crap. When have I built a good deck?”

“Never, dude.”

“This is no exception. But it was fun, let me tell you.”

“So did it win any matches at all?”


You CAN Play Type I #109: The Control Player’s Bible, Part XXII.1 – Head to Head with Vengeur Masque

Hulk Smash was the big story of the Vintage Championships last GenCon, but a lot of people forget about the finalist’s deck: Vengeur Masque. Masque has since established itself as Type I’s premier aggro deck. The philosophies behind The Funker and Stacker 2 merged somewhat into Benjamin Rott’s Tools ‘n’ Tubbies, which was in turn supplanted by Vengeur. The two are very similar in spirit, with Survival of the Fittest providing the card advantage for both, but with Illusionary Mask playing the key tempo booster for Vengeur.

The Road To Boston, Part 4: The New York Yankees And The Event Itself

I won’t soon forget those guys. From beginning to end, the trip to Pro Tour: Boston was a life-changing experience for me, probably the least worldly of young men. Not only did I learn a lot about myself, but I got to see new places, meet new people – it was the epitome of a great trip. I can only hope that someday I get a chance to head back Pittsburgh way, where the hills are steep and the network cables always abuzz.

Grand Prix: Kansas City Report – *2nd Place*

I figured that since my first two cards in the draft happened to be a combo, I should try drafting a combo deck in the last rounds. Most people might stick to the plan and play it safe with a top 8 on the line. Me? I do things my way. I can draft the best deck ever and I will 1-2. If I draft a pile of bad cards that I can have fun playing with, I will defeat the world.

Champs – The Most Complete Resource For Decklists and Reports Is Now Open!

We’ve just made another update, but the results and reports are STILL pouring in! As always, StarCityGames.com is the one place you can find it ALL!


Walk With Mike: The Detonate Dilemma

Nick wanted to follow one of his own drafts, but he couldn’t keep up in real life… So he decided to follow Mike Turian, who’s the man the pros turn to when trying to figure out how to break Limited formats. Walk with Mike Turian, as Nick goes over the picks in detail and talks about what cards are strong in Mirrodin draft!

Wanted: Champs Decklists and Best Champs Report!

Play in Champs. Send us your report. So long as it gets past our esteemed editor, it’ll get posted right here on StarCityGames.com and be automatically entered into into our weekly submissions contest. But that’s where routine ends, and the REAL fun begins… [SUBMIT CHAMPS REPORT!]

Every year, StarCityGames.com compiles the most extensive collection of top eight Champs decklists in the world! If you have access to the top eight decklists from your Championship, or know of a website that has posted them, please let us know[SUBMIT CHAMPS TOP EIGHT DECKLISTS!]

Mirrodin, Mirrodin, On The Wall, What’s The Best Deck Of Them All?

I think the common perception going into this month is that Welder Mud, Keeper, and Dragon are the only viable decks. The picture as I now see it is far more complex. It may be presumptuous to say it this early, but I don’t think any more testing is going to get me much further, or lead me to a radically different answer: We have one of the most balanced, complex, and interesting metagames I have ever seen in Type One. With that said, let me show you two updated builds of Keeper and a new, Chalice-proofed Sligh!

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #80: States Of Confusion, Or The Also-Rans

Peter discusses three”cute” decks that he idly considered bringing to States but had to discard in the course of testing – decks like the Pentavus/Mana Echoes infinite mana combo, the Zur’s Weirding lock deck (with, of course, Words of Wisdom), and U/R Land Destruction with Mindslaver!