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Three Days, Five Dawns – Blue and White in Fifth Dawn Limited

There are some inalienable truths in our world. You have to do laundry. Some day, you will die. White/Blue is the best color combination when an entire block is released. No, it’s true. In every block since Mirage Block, the best deck after all three sets are released is W/U.

18,000 Words: Some Words About Fifth Dawn in Type One

Type One – vast wasteland of Magic cards, where over ten years worth of clutter dot the landscape in pockets of Haves and Have Nots. For every Ancestral Recall, there are three Carnival of Souls. Wait, Carnival of Souls is being played in competitive Type One decks now. I meant for every Ancestral Recall, there are three Food Chains. Wait…. Screw it – for every good card in Type One, there’s an equally good card out there just waiting to be broken in the right deck. With the complex interactions between so many different cards there, you’d think there’d be many more viable decks out there than what the current crop of Type One players have come up with so far.

You CAN play Type I #134: The Control Player’s Bible, Part XXXII.1 – “The Deck” is Now Aggro-Control?

The day before I left Manila, I was surprised to see that Kevin Cron’s daily thread posited that “The Deck” was drifting towards the Exalted Angel-centered aggro-control deck Eon Blue Apocalypse, or EBA. In fact, his message ended, “How many more changes before we start calling it Aggro Control?”

It’s Chaos, I Tell You!

It took awhile to get your Memnarch and a Seedborn Muse out at the same time – but fortunately, your opponents were wasting their removal on all the wrong targets, and now you’re in the clear. They are helpless. You have counterspells in hand to prevent any Fog effects. It’s difficult to prevent the maniacal cackling gurgling up from the back of your throat, since the game is yours…

…Or it would be. If this were normal Magic.

Ask Ken, 05/25/2004

Ken, settle a debate for us… Is Tooth and Nail an Aggro deck, a Combo deck, or a Control deck?

Ask Ken, 05/24/2004

Excluding Magic, what do you feel are the top 5″best” and”worst” games out there?

The Obligatory Type One Fifth Dawn Review

Beacon of Tomorrow
There’s gotta be a way to go infinite with this. The problem is that it probably requires Gaea’s Blessing to reshuffle some combination of Mystical Tutor, Demonic Tutor, and Lim-Dul’s Vault – and I don’t think I’ve seen Gaea’s Blessing played since 2000.

18,000 Words: The Complete Fifth Dawn Set Review, Part 1

Welcome back from the Fifth Dawn pre-release! The set looks really fun for sealed play, and compliments the rest of the block perfectly for draft. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

PTSD 17th: The Way You Like It Part 2 – The Calgon Bath

The grand finale of Tim’s adventure, written in a style to soothe the savage beasts, and make you think Tim’s ego is smaller than your own.

PTSD 17th: The Way You Like It Part 2 – Menace to Society

Reading this article is hazardous to your health, your mom’s health, and will outright kill your dog. It is not recommended for children under eighteen, pregnant women, people with heart problems, or those taking Viagra. In fact, we wouldn’t recommend reading it at all, except for the fact that it’s a Tim Aten article. Proceed with caution.

I’m Gonna Suck – The Ignant Rodent at the Fifth Dawn Prerelease

It’s a Ferrett article… like you need an excuse.

Fifth Dawn: What to Trade For

Take this advice with a grain of salt. I might be 90% right, or I might be 20% right, the point is, first impressions are what gives cards their initial value, so if you trade for a lemon, you will still have a little time to jump ship and sell it. Remember, even Shared Fate was going for $5 for a good month and a half after Mirrodin was released.

PTSD 17th: The Way You Like It Part 1 – A Slap in the Face

Aten goes gangster in Part 1 of his epic Pro Tour San Diego recap. Do not miss this episode, as Tim drops plates on your ayass, biatch!

PTSD 17th: The Way You Like It Part 1 – A Nice, Long Cuddle

Cuddly Bear Tim Aten shows his smoother, softer side, as he pleasantly recounts the events that took place at Pro Tour: San Diego. He sends this 17th place report out to all the lovers in the room…

Ask Ken, 05/21/2004

Which three cards in MTG history would you consider to be Wizards’s biggest overall mistakes?