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Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #111: It’s Not What You Do…

Some deckbuilding basics this week. Some of you definitely need a refresher course. People are posting Kamigawa-based decks in the forums, including a few combo decks. Some are good. Some — well, we need to talk.

You CAN Play Type I #143 – Championing Kamigawa, Part II: Lands

After gauging the feedback from the last column, I decided to change the set review order slightly. As I said last time, Champions of Kamigawa was built to focus on its expanded legendary creature mix and gravitates around combat abilities and the like. You can take the hint when Oscar concludes the Lands might be the most titillating thing Champions has to offer…

The Vintage Mid-Size Tournament Metagame Breakdown – August

Steve catches up on all the summer tournaments and even gives a break down of not only what decks and cards you can expect to see at your next local Vintage tournament, but also details what decks are really ruling the Vintage metagame right now, as well as pointing out what he perceives to be future trends. This is a must-read for all Vintage players.

Understanding in a MODO Crash: Champions of Kamigawa White for Limited

What’s that you say? You want to see what one of the best Limited writers in the game has to say about Champions of Kamigawa? Well wait no longer, as Tim details his White pick order today, discussing every single card in the color, and chiming in with his own opinions on where you should be drafting Cage of Hands, Kitsune Blademaster, and Kabuto Moth. The Limited PTQ season begins this weekend, so if you want to get a jump on the competition, this is the place to start.

Blog Fanatic: Losing Bob

Me:”Bob, what’s going on?”

Bob:”Oh, so now you talk to me?”

Me:”(Puzzled) Bob, what are you talking about?”

Bob:”Why have you been avoiding me for a year now?”

Me:”Bob, my parents got divorced and I moved back up North. I told you that last year!”

Bob:”(Gruffer) What, and you never wrote?”
That’s Bob for you.

French Food for Thought : A Kamigawa Limited Set Review (White)

Join one of the top 20 players in the world as he tackles all the tough picks you’ll be making in the new Limited format. Yann says he thinks there have been a lot of mistakes in card evaluations in set reviews thus far, but he’s here to correct those and show you the real pick orders for every common in each color.

Countdown to States – Skater Die! Exploring Turboland in Champions Standard

While Crucible of Worlds has a home in the Type One community, it has received exactly zero attention in Standard. But with the release of Kamigawa, a whole cycle of guys that let you turn lands into resources has been released, and Crucible allows you to take complete advantage of it. When Crucible is combined with another of the new cards — Azusa, Lost but Seeking, you get a Standard version of Turboland. If you’re interested in playing something besides the usual Mirrodin Block deck for States, you’ve come to the right place!

Mining the Crystal Quarry: Examining Old Combos with Champions and the New Legend Rule

Humility + Walls — Because “Defender” is an ability, Walls under Humility can now attack. It’s not earth shattering, but this is a new thing. Note that Humble works similarly, except that it drops your wall to 0/1. Like I said, it’s not much of a combo, but because Humility has more uses than Rolling Stones, a deck built around this combo might use walls to set up, and then once Humility is down, use a global sweeper of some sort to clear out opposing creatures. Yes, yes, it’s a pathetic deck, but hey, there’s nothing quite like saying”I won by swinging with walls under Humility.”

Papal Bull: Fighting Uphill Battles With Underpowered Decks

While the topics addressed here might apply to them, when I say”underpowered” decks, I don’t necessarily mean”budget” decks or”unpowered” decks. I’m simply referring to decks that don’t try to do anything unfair or may not have the capability to do things that are totally broken. What I am referring to are decks that, across formats, don’t have spectacular plays, but are instead consistent decks that generally grind out wins. These decks can dominate formats under the right conditions, and I want to take a bit to explore exactly how they manage to win.

Don’t Fall Behind: Some Kamigawan Fundamentals

What I’m trying to do here is to compare Champions of Kamigawa to previous sets, looking for similarities in the play of Limited games that might help lay down some basics for the new Limited format. Particularly, I’m looking for the existence of some form of “fundamental play” in the new set. You’re all giving me funny looks, so I’ll explain what I’m getting at. Cue the wavy screen and flashback music… [This is one of the better Limited Fundamentals articles we’ve received in some time, and is highly recommended for anyone looking to get a jump on drafting the new set. – Knut]

Blog Fanatic: Seven Ways to Become a Better Player

Today’s column is advice to those of you who are looking to improve your game and become better players. I’d like to think it’s good advice. I’ve played the game for over a decade now, and I’ve come to learn many a lesson in my time. Some were learned early on, and some have come to me with age and maturity. What’s my motivation for passing on these pieces of advice? I’d like to make a positive difference in people’s lives, and I wholeheartedly stand behind the seven tips I’m about to post as ways to improve both your game and yourselves. Without further ado, here are my seven tips to become a better player.

COK on Lock

There were more than a few standout cards for me at the prerelease, but I will only take the time to discuss the ones that really piqued my interest. Set reviews will have most of the Limited and Constructed applications for these cards well-covered, but I doubt you’ll have as a good a time reading them. Keep in mind that these may not be the best cards and my reasons for liking them may not be entirely sound – as I have been known to be irrational when it comes to certain creatures.

Blog Fanatic: Playing With the Worst

Mark Rosewater once talked about the three types of players in Wizards’s eyes: Johnny, Spike, and Timmy. They represent the hardcore win-at-all costs player, the win with combos player, and the win with big creatures player. I don’t like the terms Timmy, Johnny and Spike. To me, there are two types of Magic players in the end — those who play to win, and those who don’t.

Magic Art Design Matters – Object Oriented Magic 101

Normally Michael contributes to the SCG community in the form of Magic art critiques. Unfortunately, since Wizards has not given him a flying bear with great art lately, there have been no critiques from him for a while. That does not mean he has abandoned Magic. In this article Michael switches gears on us and makes a case for the inherent strengths present in the mechanical game design of Magic.

For Your Consideration

Here at StarCityGames.com, we sometimes get SO many article submissions that we simply don’t have the manpower or time to properly process them all! Then there are times like this week, where the depth and quality of the submissions is so great that we even have to post some really solid articles in our forums so that these fine articles are still available to the community. Here are a few solid articles that should make for some nice weekend reading.

  • To Be the Man – Core Systems by Eli Kaplan

    Eli takes a look at the history of Masticores, and attempts to figure out if there are any cards that share the same legacy as the mighty ‘Core in Champions of Kamigawa.

  • 16.5 Hours of CoK on No Sleep by Kenneth Nagle
  • Forum member Norrytt shares his Prerelease experience, including his entire Team Sealed pool and how his team chose to build there decks.

  • Where Have All the Limited Articles Gone? A Prerelease Report by Colin McCann
  • Colin teams up with former Canadian Champ (and all-around good man) Josh Rider for Team Sealed at the prerelease to deliver some beats. This isn’t just your standard prerelease report though, as Colin gives good insight into what cards were good for his team last weekend, and points out which cards were more powerful than he expected. Good stuff.

  • Casual – Zubera Punch by William Jones
  • William takes a casual look at everyone’s new favorite cycle of spirits.

    Remember, these articles have been posted directly into our forums (and have not been edited). Please let us know what you think by sharing your feedback below each article.