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The Top Saviors of Kamigawa Cards to Trade For!

Ben Bleiweiss is back to give you the straight dish on which cards will be the most valuable and most sought after from Saviors of Kamigawa. If you’re going to the prerelease tommorrow, this is a must-read article! Find out what cards to trade for, which cards will be valued more highly by casual and competitive players, and more!

SCG Daily: A Day In The Life Of Ben Bleiweiss

Have you ever wondered what a day in the life is for the General Manager of StarCityGames.com? Now’s your chance to see what a day in the life of Ben Bleiweiss is like, from sunrise until sunset. Is the day all wine, roses, and nubile young women smearing themselves with honey as they roll around in piles of Moxen or are there more sinister works afoot? There’s only one way to find out – read this article!

StarCityGames.com Power 9 Richmond Preview

Want to know what will be popular in Richmond this weekend, what your sideboard need to be prepared for, and what the best deck at the tournament might be? JP’s got the scoop!

The Best Card vs. The Best Pick

Sometimes you can find that pivotal moment in a draft where one choice – usually a choice that goes with conventional wisdom – leads you to drafting a deck slightly worse than if you had chosen a different path. In a strong article today, Nick highlights one such moment in a recent draft and furthers the debate on the “Best Card vs. Best Pick” dilemma.

The Complete Guide to Mono-Green #1: Introduction and Early Creatures

This five-part, daily article series will examine every even slightly contestable choice for a slot in Standard Mono-Green Decks. The idea is to give you the most options possible in your preparations for Regionals, cover ideas you may not have thought of, and then whittle down the choices to acceptable levels to help you build the best competitive deck possible.

Go Rogue or Go Home – Lickity Split in Standard

Due to a tremendous influx of mail to my mailbox regarding the combo deck called Lickity Split, I decided to write up what I’ve discovered about the deck, how it plays, and what its matchups are like for the second part of my exploration of the Standard Rogue scene.

Overhauling the PTQ Circuit

Love him or hate him, The Bleiweiss forces an opinion out of everyone and this week people have been overjoyed to express both their pleasure and disgust at what he has to say. Today Ben looks at what Wizards of the Coast can and should do to overhaul a PTQ circuit that has grown long in the tooth.

Going Down the Drain: Examining the Best (Mana Drain) Decks in Vintage Part 2

Part two of Steve’s Combo-Control blowout takes a look at the hottest decks in Vintage, decks that you absolutely must be prepared for if you plan to play at the Power 9 in Richmond this weekend. Smennen tells you what makes these decks tick, looks at the strengths and weaknesses, and then takes a peak at what the future might hold for the combo-control archetypes.

SCG Daily – The State of White

We would tell you how awesomely cool this article is, but that would just ruin the surprise.

Jumping on the Bearlwagon or How I Won the Pro Tour, Part 1

What’s that you say? You want the story of how Gadiel won the Pro Tour, directly from the horse’s mouth? Okay, if you insist, but only on StarCityGames.com, the home of Pro Tour winners.

Going Infinite, Or At Least Slightly Unbounded – The Blisterguy Way

He’s been hinting at it for weeks, but today blisterguy finally comes clean. You want to know how the man makes his scratch online? The secret techniques as to why he hasn’t had to pay for packs in years? The blister-approved methodology on how to never actually pay for another draft again? It’s all here folks, so go to.

Waterbury May, Top 8 the Carl Winter Way

Want to know about the latest deck the former Vintage World Champion piloted to yet another Waterbury Top 8 finish? Looking for stories of delerious SUNY: Binghamton college students threatening people at Denny’s with butter knives? Or maybe you just want another fun and amusing report by perhaps the most-entertaining Vintage writer around. Whatever you are looking for, this article has some of everything and is awesome sauce approved.

Vintage Food for Thought – Concept Aggro Take 1

Tired of the combo-control grind and looking for some aggressive decks to play at your local Vintage tournament? Take these for a spin and tell us what you think in our forums.

The De-Evolution Of The Splice Deck

When I originally posted my Splice list, which I playtested right up until the week before the Pro Tour that I top 8’d in, it was discarded as being unplayable. My team was afraid of the lack of win conditions and the time issues in a Pro Tour, where draws count as losses. But I stuck to my guns and kept posting the list, claiming that it wasn’t losing to any single deck. This claim was true…. until we sideboarded.

SCG Daily: Yay Or Nay To PTQ Deck Swaps?

Several tournament organizers have begun the practice of having players swap their decklist information before each match of the Top 8 in Pro Tour Qualifiers. This open exchange of information is patented after similar types of sharing that occurs before the Top 8 of Pro Tours and Grand Prix. This practice began as a way to level the playing field due to scouting – but is this practice fair on the Pro Tour Qualifier level?