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Lofty Goals: Dave at U.S. Nats, Day 1

When last we heard from him, Dave Meddish had just qualified for U.S. Nationals, which unfortunately coincided with his honeymoon, so there was no way he was going to attend. Right? Wrong. Today’s story tells the tale of how Dave ended up at Nationals, what he played there, and how he fared on Day 1.

SCG Daily – In the Trenches

One of the games I was most excited to see at Gencon – one of the few I actually knew I’d be looking for in advance – was none other than Your Move Games’ Battleground Fantasy Warfare, a game that co-creator Chad Ellis had talked about during his Daily stint a few weeks prior. Chad’s series had dealt mostly with the story behind the game’s creation, and I was anxious to see the end product. What I ultimately found was an abrupt lesson in the differences between Magic and minis, which left me thinking about how some of those differences could be bridged, and what they meant to me as a gamer.

Playing Gifts Ungiven in Vintage

The two biggest threats to Gifts Ungiven decks in Vintage are Control Slaver and Stax. Today Steve breaks down both of those matchups as well as dissecting some important changes in Gifts decklists that will let players better compete in a metagame that is prepared for them.

Legacy Prep: Vibrant Stagnation, Exposure, Even a Decklist!

Encouragement about the format, Oscar Tan the Revolutionary, the differences between Vintage and Legacy, a Legacy metagame overview, and even a spec decklist to try and push the envelope of creativity. The latest njx piece has a little something for everybody.

SCG Daily – Drawing Dead? Not Exactly

As Magic has grown in popularity and dominance in the CCG field, other card games have started comparing themselves to it, which is only to be expected – it’s the big dog, the most mainstream of the genre, and other games should be using it as the measuring stick. Even so, it was still just the king of a kingdom labeled by the public as Dorkland. More recently, though, the surge in poker popularity (especially among our demographic) has given Magic its own publicly-embraced half-brother to latch onto when a player tries to “justify” what he thinks of as a shameful hobby. It’s not like chess anymore; it’s like poker! Like it or not, we’re leaning on poker now; I just never thought poker would lean back.

Critical Mass

It took him a while, but Flores finally figured out the best deck in Kamigawa Block Constructed and it’s not just another Gifts Ungiven rehash. What deck is it and how did he win a PTQ with it this weekend? Check inside to find out.

Road to L.A. – End of the Road

After a very disappointing 1-2 finish at the first Gen Con PTQ with his deck of choice, Richard completely changes decks with surprising results. What deck did he choose and did he manage to take home a blue envelope? The answers to these questions and more are inside.

Tales from the Rosholm Archives – The Depression Gene

Thomas Rosholm teamed with Anton Jonsson and Johan Sadegphour (both of Pro Tour Top 8 fame) at Pro Tour: Atlanta and wrote an aborted tournament report about the experience. The editors originally rejected it because obviously it’s a bit late for PT: Atlanta reports, but once they read it, it had to be published. It’s difficult to argue against genius. Don’t believe us that a report can be so well-written and entertaining that it deserves to be published months after the fact? Read it yourself and find out.

SCG Daily – Taking Tricks

One of the incredible things about Magic is how much is packed into each card. Almost any other game that includes interactions between cards can be thought of as a derivative of Magic. The only games that beat it to the punch were the 52-card-deck games, and only trick games like Spades, Bridge or Hearts could really be said to have cards “interact;” the rest are just straight up comparisons of value, like in poker or War. Nowadays, Magic covers so much ground that even the trick games can be done with Magic cards, as occurred to me when looking at Avatar Games Enterprises’ Mysticards game.

My First Nationals Part 2, Cak’d Out

After starting off the event 6-1, how did Cak end up out of the money? Details are inside.

SCG Daily – The Games of Gen Con

Greetings to you all! As I prepare to take the Daily helm, I have just returned from the multi-day gaming binge known as Gen
Con. For those not lucky enough to attend, gigantic conventions of this nature are an experience all their own, and I recommend
trying it at least once. Today I’ll discuss some of the cool stuff I saw at the World’s Largest Gaming Convention.

From Right Field: Say Hello to Hollywood

Romeo gets by with a little help from his friends today, recruiting both good players and good writers to investigate the wares 9th Edition brings to the table, as well as saying a fond farewell to some old favorites from 8th Edition that recently departed.

Transitional Objects

What secrets does the master hold for today’s article? The answer lies within. Go on, you know you want it…

Magical Hack: A Tale Of Two Seasons

As we come up on the very last weekend of Kamigawa Block Constructed, we have also passed the first weekend of Standard after the Core Set rotation and the two combine to tell interesting tales. What should you be aware of as the Block Season wraps up and what new decks have been unveiled in the last couple of weeks? What do the latest foreign Nationals results tell us about where Standard is currently and where it will be once Mirrodin Block rotates out? The answers to these questions and more are only a click away.

I’m Gon’ Japan part 3, blister Triumphant!

Alright, by this point you all know that he’s going to Japan, but where did our favorite Kiwi finish? How did he get there? Today is the final installment in this incredibly entertaining report.