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Mastering the Selesnya Guild

With every new draft format, I always find some color combination that I just force myself into. With Odyssey, it was White/Blue soldiers taking as many Daru Stingers as possible; in Mirrodin, it was Affinity just like everyone else; in Kamigawa Block it was Red/White samurais, and in Ravnica I used to think it was the Boros Guild. However, throughout my many drafts on Magic Online, I have discovered that the Selesnya Guild is so much better.

How To Play CAL If You’re Not Olivier Ruel

I am writing this article for two primary reasons: Number one is to namedrop as flagrantly and savagely as is humanly possible. Number two is to help people learn how to play the CAL deck, since it is actually the stone nuts. Here are the lessons I’ve learned over the course of my hundreds of pre-and-post-board games against the Extended gauntlet with my version of the CAL deck, culminating in a second-place finish at a PTQ a week and a half ago.

SCG Daily Movie Review: The Princess Bride

It’s movie review week at StarCityGames.com, and Peter Jahn will be your reviewer! Each day, Peter takes a look at a classic (or not-so-classic) film and builds a theme deck based around the characters and plot of said movie.

Today’s film? None other than The Princess Bride!

So You Want To Be A Judge

Ever wondered what it takes to don the black-and-white judge’s shirt? The pay is surprisingly meager and the acclaim almost nonexistent… But the satisfaction from a job well done can make it all worthwhile. Peter explains the judging process, telling you everything you need to know in order to start your career as a Level One Judge!

Peace of Mind: Jushi, I’m Home!

Is there a tournament-caliber Milling deck in Standard? Mike thinks so! Read about Mike’s newest Dimir deck, and why he thinks it’s a viable option, in today’s article.

Sealed Revealed 3: Card Pool Two

In this week’s Sealed Revealed, Craig tackles another Ravnica Limited card pool. Match your deck building skills against his, and then discuss the results in our forums!

Ben’s Corner: New Day, New Products, New Location!

Ben’s Corner is back, and is now a Monday feature! Read all about the latest news, deals, and product updates from the world of StarCityGames.com. In today’s column, I talk about some exciting new changes coming to the site, including updates to our Foreign and Misprint card categories!

Lightning Strikes Twice?: WW/r In Post-States Standard

Since States, White Weenie splashing Red has been relegated to Tier 1.5 status as the heavy hitters in the format — which are shaping up to be Flores Blue and multi-colored Gifts Ungiven decks, among many others in the wide-open metagame — have shown the ability to handle White Weenie, regardless of what color gets splashed into it. But its number of high finishes at Champs — if not overall wins — should be an indicator that a) the deck is good but b) people were ready for it. They adapted, so WW/r should adapt as well.

Dimir De-Merrier? I Think Not!

Martin goes off on a variety of topics that always seem to spiral around to the same thing, including the current decks to beat in Extended, thoughts on beating Dimir in Ravnica Limited, the sad narrow structure of Two-Headed Giant, and the illusion – or is it reality? – of “feast or famine” nature of Guild-specific booster packs.

Riding Ravnica Color Wheel Spinnaz: A Ravnica Team Rochester Draft Guide

Rochester is the format that the countries are playing at Worlds this Saturday to determine who’s on top… And Eli walks you through the essentials of the format and some of the basic Ravnica strategies so you can follow the action! If you’re not familiar with Rochester, start here. If you are but haven’t done it in Ravnica… Start here, too. Oh, heck, just start here.

The Road to Worlds, Day One: Blisterguy Triumphant!

Blisterguy continues his blog, straight from the Magic: The Gathering World Championships in Japan! How did this StarCityGames.com featured writer win five of his six matches in the Standard portion of Worlds? Read today’s article to find out!

Introducing Wild Gifts

The last time Flores set his Great Brain to creating a deck for Standard, he created a monster – Flores Blue, which is irritating players all over the world. So his only option was to create a counter-monster, using a draw engine suggested to him by Osyp Lebedowicz, to create a deck that pummels his original creation unmercifully.

Extended: Everything But The Kitchen Sink

Welcome to the most diverse Extended format in the history of the game, where Osyp Lebedowicz recently put Goblins back on the metagame map. In the spirit of highlighting the underdogs, or rogues, or whatever you want to call them, I’m going to examine some of the more interesting decklists I’ve seen lately.

SCG Daily: Nathan’s Absolutely Essential Land List (And Then Some)

In the last installment of Nathan’s daily column, the Xaxson one is writing, collecting, answering questions, and takin’ names, punk! This one has it all: Reader Q&A, a please to the Magic community, and Nathan’s list of the most essential lands to add to your Magic: The Gathering collection.

The Road To Worlds, Day Zero: Enter Japan

Everyone’s favorite Ray is going to Worlds to compete… And he’s going to give you the day-by-day breakdown! Today, you hear much complaining about the lousy movie selection on international flights!