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Mixed kNuts: Wanted – Limited Manabase Technician. Inquire Inside.

You are probably wondering at this point, “Why should I read Knutson’s drivel?” I’ll tell you why… Two Sealed Deck card pools, two Top 8s, The Guest Spot featuring one Anton Jonsson, and my Top 25 Songs list of 2005. Think of it as an extra value meal for your brain.

Drafting Five-Color-Green

Chad takes us on a journey through the mind of a Five-Color-Green drafter, theorizing about the archetype both with and without Guildpact. If that’s not enough, he even sings for us.

SCG Daily – One on One with the Goblins

Goblins are fantastic. Goblins are brilliant. Goblins are wonderful. In fact, paint me red and call me Paskins – goblins are the best creatures in Magic. Today, we have a goblin-fest of epic proportions…

What About Bob? Dark Confidant in Vintage

When Dark Confidant first appeared, he made quite an impression on every Magic player that saw him. Time passed, and he slotted into a variety of decks and formats without being uber-impressive. However, has he a place in Magic’s most open (and degenerate) format? Michael vows to find out…

From Right Field: Getting Smacked Down

When I accepted this editorial gig, they never told me I’d face articles like this… Chris Romeo at his best, or worst. Love it or hate it, this is one article you’ll definitely remember

The Many Faces of Dimir, Part Two

Julien concludes his in-depth examination of the Dimir guild with a flourish. Deck make-up, comparative strengths and weaknesses, and strategies to help us pull back the reins when a draft begins to go bad. Invaluable advice from one of the game’s best.

Anton Jonsson on… Standard?

I saw a peanut stand, I heard a rubber band, I saw a needle that winked its eye… but I think I’ll have seen everything when I see Anton Jonsson write about Standard Magic. Unmissable.

SCG Daily – One on One with Academy Rector

Today, the wise and wonderful Academy Rector takes to the red carpet – sorry, the Red Zone – and tells us a little about his life.

The Many Faces of Dimir, Part One

Julien takes us through the ins-and-outs of drafting the Dimir strategy in its many incarnations. Card evaluation, tips and tricks, pitfalls and problems discussed, by one of the hottest talents in the game today. Everything the Blue/Black mage needs for victory. Need I say more?

The Weekly Guild Build: My Impetuous Right Hand

It’s the last week that anyone’s going to care about Ravnica-only Limited, as Guildpact will be all the rage next week… And so The Ferrett goes nuts with digressions on his errant digits, a careful dissection of last week’s “What Would Readers Do?” situation, and – finally – a Blue/Black deck!

SCG Daily – One on One with Morphling

In the first of what promises to be an entertaining series, an extra-special guest interviews the original Tough Guy of Magic… the mighty Morphling.

Unified Constructed Part II: Modern Implementations and Looking at the Matchups

Mike continues his sterling work, examining the upcoming Team Constructed format with acute reference to the current card-pool and metagame. Serious stuff for those wanting a head-start on an exciting new format.

SCG Daily – A Deck a Day: We Were In London

Our final installment has arrived and mourning has begun, for what once was Spring has now gone to Winter. Friday has arrived, and with it, the ending of our travels.

Nine Junk Rares

You don’t care about my tastes in music.
You don’t want to hear me quote lyrics from people funnier than me.
You sure as hell don’t care about my copy of BASEketball.
You came here to read about Magic.

Bearing A Grudge

You think you’ve seen it all from Mike Flores. Brilliant theory. Fantastic decks. More hype than a Don King promoted boxer. But you have not seen this!