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SCG Daily – A Deck is Like a Car — Mileage

I, like a lot of Americans, have an SUV as my main vehicle (technically it’s my only vehicle). This means I use up a lot of gasoline getting from place to place. My car, by definition of its V6 gas-guzzling engine, has bad mileage. But that’s not the type of mileage I’m talking about today…

Feeling the Pressure and Winning Anyway

Jeroen answers reader-posed questions on a variety of Magic-related topics. He offers tips to the Magic Online newbie, advice on how to cope with the stresses of top-level play, and views on some of the politics behind conceding. He also waxes lyrical on the vagaries of the Grand Prix bye system, and again holds court on the soccer World Cup!

Drafting With Rich #7

Yes, it’s time for another edition of “Drafting With Rich!” As usual, the Canadian maestro shares his RGD Draft pick order and final decklist, with a little commentary on his performance and overall direction. For a more detailed deconstruction, come visit the forums!

Magic Online Musings: This Week on MTGO #21

Read The Blisterguy... every Wednesday at

Blisterguy returns with his weekly round-up of the Premium Event action on Magic Online. He produces his buy-and-sell price findings, and has some rather interesting ideas on re-vamping the MTGO Marketplace…

SCG Daily – A Deck is Like a Car — Quality Components

The best cars are made with the best components. The same goes for Magic decks.

It’s real simple in the world of Magic. The cards which accomplish the most, at the cheapest cost, at the most efficiency (in terms of cost and return on investment), and just plain outshine all others in their type (i.e. the best creature in this color, the best enchantment in that color) are those which define the format.

U/R Vore for Standard

With Nationals just around the corner, it’s time to focus on the Standard scene and hone our weapon of choice. Today we have the thoughts of one of England’s premier Constructed minds, Pro Tour regular Stuart Wright. His personal choice for the strongest deck in the format? U/R Vore. Stu presents his own take on the deck, shares his sideboarding strategy, and runs through a few sample games. Looking for the perfect mana-denial strategy? Then read on…

Drafting With Rich #6

Rich returns for another walk through the Draft streets of Ravnica. As usual, he presents each pick of his draft, from pick one to pick forty-five, and appends a brief overview on his final deck and performance. For a more detailed draft deconstruction, come join the forums!

From Right Field: Electrolyze This

Read Chris Romeo... every Tuesday at

For his Independence Day article, Chris cooks up a Red, White, and Blue special! If you’re looking for a patriotic deck to cut a swathe through your local tournament scene, then this is the deck for you. Even so… Izzet Chronarch? In Standard? Surely some mistake! Ah well, if the deck don’t thrill ya, the cheesecake will…

A Deck is like a Car – Engine Designs and Development

When you think of a deck “engine,” what comes to mind? Is it the fueling of resources, a la Affinity? Is it the fueling via tutors, a la Tooth and Nail? Is it the synergy of types, such as Kamigawa Block Legends decks?

All of these decks work with one another in different ways. Whenever you think of two cards providing each other an advantage (fueling a win condition with an Urzatron piece, making another spell cheaper as a result of it being play), then that is a part of the deck’s engine to win.

The Weekly Guild Build: Happy Birthday To Me

Read The Ferrett... every Monday at
StarCityGames.com!In the days of yore, back when I was the managing editor of This Here Site Here, I used to hold an amnesty day, wherein all articles sent to me to be published on my birthday were published without any editing at all. This is now a proud tradition of StarCityGames.com, and it helps to make you all understand just how much work we do here to make the articles appear, you know, readable. But alas, what can I do to give myself a birthday prezzie in an article?

RGD Limited: The Beauty of Bad Cards

In our neverending quest to bring you the best writers and theorists, today sees Daniel O’Mahoney-Schwartz join our ever-growing ranks of Featured Writers. In his first article, Dan shares his thoughts on some of the undersung heroes of Ravnica Block Limited. Do some of those fifteenth-pick “powerhouses” require a second look?

A Ravnica Draft Walkthrough

We have a second StarCityGames Featured Writer making his debut today – Paul Jordan, one-third of the Flores/Sadin/Jordan team for Pro Tour Charleston, Two-Headed Giant. In his first article, Paul takes us through his drafting process, providing a full RGD Draft walkthrough from first to last pick. He shares his opinions behind each chocie, and runs through the games he played with the resulting deck.

Drafting With Rich #5

Rich continues his excellent series of RGD Draft walkthroughs, presenting each pick as it happened and highlighting each card chosen. He shares his final decklist, and gives us a brief overview of his results and processes. As usual, for more detailed draft deconstruction, come visit us in the forums!

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #146: Playing Magic!

Ingrid, my wife, was out of town for a few days. I had Thursday off, and nothing but some chores over the weekend. I had a couple dozen tix, a virtual pile of unopened packs, and some ideas for new decks I wanted to try out. I was ready to play Magic — what could possibly go wrong?

SCG Daily – A Deck is Like a Car: The Two Engines

Engines in Magic are relative to the cards around them. They are, at their best, pure synergy. The cards in an “Engine,” whether that is a combo, aggro, or control deck, work best when they’re all in play. When you draw all of them, you almost always win. Your “engine” is running. Your “game” has begun.