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Drafting With Rich #10

Rich continues his excellent series of RGD Draft walkthroughs, presenting each pick as it happened and highlighting each card chosen. He shares his final decklist, and gives us a brief overview of his results and processes. As usual, for more detailed draft deconstruction, come visit us in the forums!

SCG Daily – Coldsnap’s Crme de la Crust, Part 1

Bennie Smith returns with a preliminary look at the more aggresively costed cards from Coldsnap. As the madness of the weekend’s prereleases begins to fade from memory, it’s time to turn our attention to the coming Constructed formats. What cards are gliding sweetly below the mana barriers? Bennie vows to find out!

The Next Step in Steam Vents

After last week’s examination of the Standard strength of the U/R Vore deck, Mike moves on to an in-depth look at Wafo-Tapa. Does this more ponderous control deck have the edge in the Steam Vents versus Steam Vents matchup. And when it all boils down, just how relevant is the Red mana anyway? Magic’s Godfather of Deckbuilding presents an innovative take on the U/R Control archetype – dropping the Red entirely. If you’re looking for the next big thing on the Standard scene, then this is the article for you!

(Rise and Fall) of the Roman Empire – The Rome Deck

Patrick brings us an intriguing Standard deck based around the powerful split card Rise / Fall. With a host of Invitationalists, and quality removal, Pat throws his creation against six of Standard’s main contenders, and produces detailed match reports and analysis for each. This is an excellent article on what could be an extremely powerful deck…

Drafting With Rich #9

Rich shares his Drafting technique in today’s installment of “Drafting With Rich!” As usual, he runs through a complete RGD draft from pick one to pick forty-five, and adds a brief commentary on his performance and final build. If you’d like some more detailed deconstruction, come visit the forums!

Magical Hack: Oh Snap!

Read Sean McKeown... every Friday at

Finally we earn a reprieve from the complicated wiles of Ravnica Block Sealed Deck, to take a look at this weekend’s chilly festivities… the pre-release of the Coldsnap set and an interesting turn to follow in the Pro Tour: Kobe qualifier season…

Selecting 10th Edition: Empyrial Plate!

Oh, who am I kidding? Loxodon Warhammer is going to win this vote. In fact, this is the first Selecting 10th Edition vote where I’d bet a testicle against money on one card winning over the other. Plus, wouldn’t you rather be reading my premium article for today? The one about Coldsnap? Let’s see how many hits this article gets, when you have no clue what it’s about ahead of time!

Plus: The results of my Psychatog in Standard contest!

Selecting 10th Edition – Loxodon Warhammer!

This week’s Selecting 10th Edition has become more than the face-off between Warhammer and Plate… as Knut licks his Baloth-related wounds, a Ridiculous Hat steps to the… erm… plate, elevating the contest into a Battle of the Bens! Which Ben will be victorious? Read on to find out!

SCG Daily – A Deck is Like a Car — The Rakdos Solution

Today I’m going to show you my favorite new deck. It’s been performing very well in testing, and I think it’s ready for prime time. This article will take into consideration the principles I’ve spoken of this week, and how they can relate to deckbuilding and play-style.

The Top Coldsnap Cards To Trade For!

The Top Coldsnap Cards to Trade For!Getting ready to head out to the Coldsnap Prerelease tomorrow? First, take a look at the cards that Ben says will be hot, and those that will not. It’ll be a long, cold winter tomorrow if you don’t go prepared with Ben’s Guide of the Top Coldsnap Cards!

Killing the Dream – A Limited Champs Report *T8*

After hitting the big time with a Top 8 appearence at Grand Prix Toronto, Kyle had one goal: to make the Champs Triple Crown. Already a winner in the Two-Headed Giant Champs, with Billy Moreno, he travelled 300 miles in order to keep his dream alive. This is his story…

Deconstructing Sealed Deck

The qualifiers for Pro Tour: Kobe are in full swing, and Nick Eisel is here to help! While Ravnica Block Sealed is a well-travelled format, there are still a few twists and turns that can catch an unsuspecting Mage unawares. Nick shares a recent MTGO cardpool which brings up a few interesting choices, and sheds new light on some of the cards that you may not be playing… I mean, Bronze Bombshell?!

Drafting With Rich #8

Rich shares his Drafting technique in today’s installment of “Drafting With Rich!” As usual, he runs through a complete RGD draft from pick one to pick forty-five, and adds a brief commentary on his performance and final build. If you’d like some more detailed deconstruction, come visit the forums!

Battle Royale Round 2: My Battle Royale Tournament Report *1st*

StarCityGames.com - Battle Royale!

By the title of this article, you can assume that Mr Hat was victorious in the battle of the snakes. Of course, the result is never the whole story, and this report has some excellent tips for those wanting to pilot the budget snakes deck. Enjoy!

Battle Royale Round 2: Snakes Off A Plane

StarCityGames.com - Battle Royale!

We’ve had Ben’s take on affairs… now it’s the turn of the gallant loser, Richard. He takes the beats in his stride, and analyses his deck and performance with an accute eye. An excellent report detailing some of the pitfalls we face in both our play and our deck design.