
AuthorStephen Menendian

Stephen Menendian was the 2007 Vintage World Champion and the Season 1 Vintage Super League Champion. He's also the author of "Understanding Gush: Strategies and Tactics."

The Return of Meandeck Gifts

With the recent changes to Time Vault, Stephen feels that Meandeck Gifts – his most treasured creation – is once again viable in Magic’s most powerful format. Today’s article is a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of certain cards and matchups. Looking for an edge in your local Vintage metagame? Look no further!

Bluffing Drains and Storming Brains: Playing Control in Vintage

There’s no doubt that Stephen Menedian is one of the premier Vintage thinkers in the game today. This article tackles some of the more tricky decisions facing those packing Force of Will in the current Type 1 metagame… so that’s almost everyone. When do you Force? When do you Drain? When do you hold back, and when does playing into a Force reap the rewards? A strong article, packed with positive theoretical tips.

The Art of Playing Grim Long

Stephen takes a look at the more esoteric skills needed to succeed with the powerful Grim Long deck. He examines the stronger cards in the deck, and provides some sample hands to demonstrate various thought processes and plays. While the science of Magic is something Stephen excels at, the art behind this particular deck is what makes it so rewarding. Looking for an edge at your next Vintage showdown? Look no further.

The Centismal: Mailbag Into My Life

For his 100th article for StarCityGames, Stephen tries something a little different: he answers questions posed by readers on a variety of Magic and non-Magic subjects! He looks back over his collected works, and shares a little of his successes and failures. He describes his brief flirtation with facial hair, and pens a poem to his favorite card of all time! Congratulations on your 100, Stephen… here’s to the next milestone!

Meandeck Lists and the Rochester Wrap-up

Stephen revisits his predictions for the Rochester SCG Power 9 events, and gives a breakdown of the field. Some of his predictions were spot on… some, not so much. He investigates the impact the results have on the Vintage metagame, and presents some strong decklists from the successful strategies. A perfect article for those planning to play at the upcoming SCG Power 9 events in Charlotte!

SCG P9: Rochester Report *Top 4*

Stephen took the powerful Grim Long deck to the SCG Power 9 events in Rochester, and came away with a Sunday Top 8 performance. His report examines the strengths and weaknesses of both his deck and his playskill over the two days, and shares a massive amount of matchup and scenario data. In July, the next SCG Power 9 events are being held at Heroes Con in Charlotte, NC… is Grim Long the deck for you?

The Ultimate Guide to SCG ‘Power 9’ Rochester!

Eighteen pieces of the 'Power Nine' are up for grabs at
SCG P9 Rochester!

This weekend, StarCityGames.com returns to Rochester with back-to-back StarCityGames.com “Power 9” tournaments! Today, Stephen dissects the current Vintage metagame, with particular consideration of the previous Rochester Vintage tournaments!

Vintage For Beginners: Jargon and Essential Cards

My editor asked for this article some time ago… no one else followed through, so it fell to me. A Vintage primer, for those looking to begin playing Magic’s most venerable format…

The Fastest Deck Ever, By Far: Meandeck Tendrils Revisited

Zvi Mowshowitz dubbed the Meandeck Tendrils deck “the fastest deck in the history of Magic.” Stephen Menendian, the original creator, has found a way to make it even faster. With a SCG Power 9 tournament looming on the Vintage horizon, is it time to revisit this archetype and brush it up for tournament play? Steve presents some sample goldfishes, and the power of the build is undeniable.

Investigating Skill in Vintage

Vintage is a format overflowing with powerful decks. While innovation is certainly possible, new decks invariably face a trial by fire as soon as they are suggested: after all, the established players are all adept at winning matches with their long-played creations. Today, Stephen introduces a quantifiable way of measuring playskill, and presents us with the tools to increase our understanding of the true nature of Vintage power.

Match-Up Analysis: Meandeck Ichorid vs. Control Slaver

Meandeck Ichorid versus Control Slaver: a battle of the Vintage Titans! In this mammoth article, Stephen runs through seven… yes, seven… sample games between the two Vintage giants. Lending his considerable academic mind to each and every twist and turn, the matchup is comprehensively analysed. A must for all fans of Magic’s most powerful format, and excellent preparation for those attending the June SCG Power 9 tournaments!

Deus Ex Errata: Debating the Changes to Time Vault

Recently, Wizards Rules Manager Mark Gottlieb dropped a bombshell on the Vintage community in the Ask Wizards column. He announced that he was issuing errata to Time Vault, abolishing the well-established Flame Fusillade/Time Vault combo. Stephen refutes the reasoning behind such a bold move, and has the logic to back up his claims.

Matchup Analysis: Meandeck Ichorid vs. Brassman Gifts

The Vintage game can be daunting to the casual observer. Powerful cards, insane plays, games won and lost on the very first turn… Luckily, Stephen is here to help. By running through, play by play, four actual matches featuring Meandeck Ichorid versus Brassman Gifts, he dissects each and every possible twist, and the thought process behind every move. An excellent article, destined to spawn many others…

Considering Your Options with Grim Long

Grim Long is arguably the most skill-intensive deck in the current Vintage metagame. Thankfully, Stephen is here to put us through our Type 1 paces. Armed with a gaggle of sample hands and game scenarios, he shares his extensive technical knowledge and informs us of the correct plays. Wanna play Grim Long like a champion? The information is a mouseclick away…

Grim Longing in Virginia – A Report *T8*

After a Top 8 performance and an eight-hour sleep, Stephen took to the field of Sunday’s SCG P9 Richmond tournament with an Ichorid-free deck. Not content with claiming a Top 8 spot the previous day… Stephen wanted to repeat the experience. Another day, another report filled with expert advice and play-by-play walkthroughs, from the pen of one of the premier Vintage minds in the game today.