
AuthorRoss Merriam

Ross Merriam has been a fixture on the SCG Tour since 2012 and is one of its most decorated players with over twenty top 8s. He currently serves as the beardliest member of Team BCW and a content creator for StarCityGames.com, focusing on the Modern format as well as Magic fundamentals and theory designed to help you elevate your game.

The Decks To Beat At #SCGBALT

Does #SCGBALT already have a Standard metagame? Ross Merriam believes so. Here, he lays out the groundwork for the format he expects to rumble against this weekend!

Daily Digest: Retracing Loam

What do you get when you combine a Life From the Loam engine with some of the most powerful Modern tempo strategies? You get an excellent rogue contender for #SCGBALT’s Modern Classic!

Three Up, Three Down

Ross Merriam provides three cards that have been unbelievable in testing, and three cards that have not pulled the weight they promised! Find out what they are before #SCGBALT next week!

Daily Digest: I See Dead People

With all the dredge cards that are legal in Modern and the increasing emphasis on graveyards in Shadows over Innistrad, a deck has to come together eventually, right? Maybe it already has, as Ross Merriam demonstrates here!

3 Important Reminders For Brewers

Not so fast, brewers! New Standard season can be fun with all the new tools at your disposal, but there are a few things you must keep in mind if you want your build to succeed. Ross Merriam issues the reminder.

Daily Digest: Murder!

Don’t look now, but someone has committed murder. The suspect list is pretty short since one fellow has it right there in his name! Ross Merriam spotlights a deck that makes use of a legend that was all too-untouched during his Standard reign. And now he’s angry…

Daily Digest: The Return Of Twin

Splinter Twin might be banned, but that doesn’t mean the strategy it symbolizes has been! A deck tweak here and there and you can be back to doing infinite combos in no time!

Daily Digest: 100,000

Star City Games now has six digits’ worth of decklists in the database! To celebrate, Ross Merriam highlights one of the greatest Legacy brews we’ve seen, well, maybe ever!

Daily Digest: Post-Rotation Rally

Rally the Ancestors is on its way out, but there are still a lot of good cards from the archetype that will survive the coming of Shadows over Innistrad! Ross Merriam highlights the future of the archetype here!

You Play To Win The Game

There are a lot of unwritten rules in competitive Magic, and Ross Merriam is ready to be the one to speak up about them. We have a problem in our game, and Ross Merriam thinks it’s time to fix it. But he needs your help. All of you.

Daily Digest: Legacy Control

It’s been a long time since we had a control deck in Legacy that wasn’t just another Counterbalance or Miracles shell. Ross Merriam has found some new blood for the old format though, and he’s sharing the list here!

Ross VS. Majors: G/B Elves VS. Bant Aggro

Look all you’d like for Four-Color Rally and Jeskai Black. You won’t find them in this new VS Video! Ross and Majors sleeve up some excited strategies for Standard that should give you a great time at your next event!