
AuthorJim Davis

Jim Davis is a fifteen year Magic veteran with accomplishments at every level of organized play. He spent the the late 2000s playing on the Pro Tour, and after taking a few years away from the game he reemerged as one of the most accomplished players on the SCG Tour. After winning the 2015 Players' Championship Jim took on Magic full-time and now travels to events as part of Team BCW, produces content both here on Starcitygames.com and on YouTube, streams, and coaches.

The Return Of Mantis Rider

SCG Players’ Champion Jim Davis has won a lot of games of Magic with Mantis Rider! He’s porting over one of his favorite creatures into Modern, and he has the result last weekend to prove it! Want to Jeskai the room at the #SCGKNOX Modern Classic? Jim tells you how!

Playing While Ahead

Jim Davis has already established what you have to do while playing from behind. But what if you’re ahead and want to slam the door? The 2015 Players’ Champion has the insights you need and the examples to illustrate them ahead of the #SCGCOL Open Weekend!

Playing From Behind

We have all felt helpless sitting across from an opponent that is way ahead in the game. It feels horrible and it feels hopeless. But a lot of great players find ways to win. How do they do it? Jim Davis talks about how to turn an unpleasant position into an unlikely win!

In Modern, Life Is Not Fair

SCG Players’ Champ Jim Davis has been battling a lot of Modern lately, and there’s something important he would like to convey: It is hard to stay alive in this format. If you want to have a chance against the competition, heed Jim’s words!

U/W Control: Cards Change, But People Stay The Same

SCG Players’ Champion Jim Davis has long been known as a U/W Control addict, but he’s been required to go way outside that realm for a while. Well, friends, old-school Jim Davis is back! Check out the control deck he can’t wait to see near the top of #SCGMKE’s Standard Classic on Sunday!

Winners, Losers, And The Deck I Wish I Had Played At #SCGINDY

SCG Players’ Champion Jim Davis had a great weekend at #SCGINDY, but he wasn’t close enough to the trophy to satisfy him. Jim talks about the best, the worst, and the sweet brew he regrets not playing! Join Jim for all of this and an important message to one of his closest friends.

They Come In Pairs: The Kaladesh Cube Update

Playtesting for #SCGINDY isn’t just about the run for glory to SCG Players’ Champion Jim Davis! He’s also learning what the individual power levels are for all of the new toys we have in Kaladesh! Which cards are above par? Which ones are surprisingly weak? Some of Jim’s discoveries are quite surprising!

It’s Time To Put My Money Where My Mouth Is

SCG Players’ Champion hates when people think he’s a shill. He isn’t. He’s willing to tell you which cards he loves and which cards he thinks are permanently destined for the bulk bins! That said, he’s sharing his exact preorder for Kaladesh so that you can see exactly what he believes in for #SCGINDY!

Gearhulk Smash!

Are the Gearhulks closer to the Titan cycle or the Soul cycle? How great are these obviously pushed Constructed mammoths? SCG Players’ Champion Jim Davis is providing his verdict on each of the goliaths! Which will fail? Which will succeed? Are they too pushed for Standard’s long-term health?

Standard Is Not Over And You Should Be Playing This Deck Now

This archetype may have arrived late to the Standard party, but with SCG Tour® Classics and a handful of other events still left to be completed, it is a huge opportunity for you to steal some Standard tournaments wins while everyone else’s guard is down! See the Players’ Champ’s stellar guide to this unbelievably powerful deck!

Dealing With Defeat

Being the Players’ Champion doesn’t make you immune from taking losses sometimes. Jim Davis opens up about a recent crushing mistake that cost him more than a small share of glory! Learning to lose is the first step to avoiding losing at all at #SCGRICH this weekend!

Devil Delver

The Players’ Champion isn’t taking a lack of Delver decks in Modern lying down! He’s reinventing the proven strategy with a standout from Eldritch Moon that people are just dying to break! Can Jim get the job done before #GPINDY?

Ten #SCGINVI Sideboard Cards You Should Be Using

The SCG Players’ Champion is already deep into testing for #SCGINVI this weekend! And he can’t believe the amazing sideboard cards that no one is using in the current metagame! See the cards that you should absolutely have on hand for the big show!