AuthorJadine Klomparens

In Magic, Jadine Klomparens is best known for two things: exceptional Modern Jund play and articles that dive deep into the theoretical underpinnings of Magic. Her accolades include runner-up finishes at both a Grand Prix and an SCG Invitational, a host of SCG Open Top 8s, and the name Jundine bestowed on her by a loving public. She's more likely to examine the play patterns of a format staple than brew a new deck, but the analysis she does cuts deeper than any individual card or format.

How Emmara Can Succeed In Standard

Jadine is already taking a look at some fair and unfair ways to use Emmara’s much better iteration! With convoke on the table for Guilds Standard, is this card destined to be good?

The B/U Midrange Matchups Guide

B/U Midrange went from a seeming also-ran in Standard to dominating August! Jadine Klomparens is here to get you up to speed before the weekend!

The Disaster States Of Key Modern Decks

The best way to get out of a Modern disaster is not to get in one in the first place! Jadine Klomparens shows the disaster states against three key decks and how to avoid them.

Your Playstyle Weapons In The Fight Against Cryptic Command

You always feel dead when they stick a threat with four mana up, but you don’t have to anymore! Learn the tricks of the trade in gaining percentage points against Modern’s scariest blue instant before SCG Dallas!

A Midrange Player’s Guide To Beating The New Unfair Modern Decks

Ironworks and Vengevine are suddenly a huge part of Modern, so what are the Jund, Mardu, and Abzan fair gamers to do about it? Jadine explains how to fight back!

How To Know When To Play Fair In Modern

Jund won the SCG Tour last weekend, and Jadine was on Mardu! This isn’t the defeat for her you’d think, as she’s pleased she knew to go with black midrange! How do you know when a weekend’s right call is Jund, Abzan, or Mardu?

The Red Decks Are Starting To Suck. Here’s How To Fix Them.

Look out, Chainwhirlers! You’ve gone from fearing a ban to just being previous leveled by Standard’s meta! Fortunately, Jadine has a ton of data to work with, and she knows how this deck survives!

The Deathrite Shaman Ban: Week One Winners And Losers

We have lots of results to look at as we head to SCG Philadelphia weekend! Jadine analyzes the first results in the new Legacy metagame!

The Return Of Temur Delver

Don’t give up on those Lightning Bolts yet! SCG Worcester marks the return of old Legacy archetypes! Jadine celebrates the loss of Deathrite Shaman with her Stifles!

The Final Snake Update

Winding Constrictor and Jadine are a match made in Magic heaven. Sadly, the Snake must finally go away soon. Nevertheless, they have some time left together, and she wants to spend it winning!

Beating Tron With Decks That Shouldn’t

Just because losing to Tron always feels like a blowout doesn’t mean it is! Jadine has the cure to the ailment that plagues Modern players everywhere! You can beat Karn. You can beat Ugin. Listen up.

The Decision Game Of Magic

Jadine Klomparens doesn’t see Magic as a game of cards. It’s a game of decisions! Get her insights into the decisions Magic players face!

Barrier To Entry: The One-Toughness Test

In a world of Goblin Chainwhirler, you can play creatures with one toughness, but man, you’d better know what you’re doing! Jadine talks SCG CON strategies for Standard!

What To Do With Walking Ballista In Standard Matchups

Jadine Klomparens follows up her landmark overview of Walking Ballista with a sequel focused on Standard! Get ready for SCG CON!

How To Play Jund Wrong

Jund Jadine has done it again! Get her insights about how to survive Modern with the archetype that many players believe is wrong to play at SCG Minneapolis!