AuthorHarry Corvese

Harry Corvese is a Northeast player who lives outside Pittsburgh. He has three Grand Prix Top 8s, a SCG Draft Open win, a SCG Standard Open win, and finished last year with 28 Pro Points, just shy of Gold. He is a member of Team TCGP.

Water Cooler Talk: Magic 2015

While still waiting for the full spoiler to be released, Harry has put off brewing new decks with the spoiled cards just yet… but he does have a snapshot of what everyone has been talking about thanks to what we’ve seen of Magic 2015.

UW Control at The Invitational

Harry has a gameplan for this weekend’s #SCGINVI, and he is sticking to it! See his current U/W Control Standard list and his sideboard plans in their entirety!

Introducing Stormshift

It’s two, two, two combos in one! Harry Corvese shares a Storm/Scapeshift hybrid list for Modern just ahead of #GPMinn!

Will The Real Two-Color Decks Please Stand Up?

Harry talks about the impact of Journey into Nyx card Mana Confluence on two-color strategies in Standard and gives you his take on a new version of W/G Aggro.

Wolf Logic

Join a conversation that is a large part of the Magic community right now by reading what Harry thinks of a couple Grand Prix entry fees being raised to $50.

Esper Control Primer

Check out Harry Corvese’s primer for the Esper Control deck he used to make Top 8 of SCG Standard Open: Charlotte just in time for SCG Standard Open: Milwaukee!

Top 5 THS/BNG Limited Archetypes

Prepare for your next Theros/Born of the Gods Limited Pro Tour Qualifier as Harry goes over the most powerful color combinations in the format.

So You Think You Can Bogle

Harry Corvese writes about the G/W Auras deck he played at Pro Tour Born of the Gods and provides an updated list for Grand Prix Richmond tomorrow!

Team Sealed Still Rocks

Find out why Team Sealed still rocks as Harry Corvese tells you how he, Max Brown, and Ben Friedman won SCG Classic Series: Richmond a couple weeks ago.

Farewell Deathrite Shaman

Harry Corvese says goodbye to Deathrite Shaman in Modern by reflecting on all the tournament success he had with the card in the past couple years.

Stateside Saito Control

Harry Corvese tells you about the U/W Control deck he took to the semifinals of a PTQ last weekend along with an update and guide for sideboarding at #SCGBALT.

A New Type Of Grind

Three-time Grand Prix Top 8 competitor Harry Corvese talks about what the addition of the SCG Players’ Championship to the Open Series means to him as a player.

The Twelve Non-Storm Decks Of Christmas

Harry shares his Magic Online 2013 Holiday Cube photo album and looks forward to answering any questions you have about it in the comments!

Observe & Report

Harry Corvese tells you why he’ll be sleeving up U/W Control for the Standard portion of the SCG Invitational in Las Vegas, Nevada this weekend.

Observe & Report

Harry Corvese tells you why he’ll be sleeving up U/W Control for the Standard portion of the SCG Invitational in Las Vegas, Nevada this weekend.