AuthorDylan Hand

Dylan Hand enters 2019 with a solid first year as a regular on the SCG Tour under his belt. Amassing a large amount of success with Modern Humans, he quickly built a name for himself in 2018, finishing the year with five Open Top 8s and a respectable tenth place finish in the yearly points race. As the newest (and youngest!) member of Team BCW, Dylan's goal in 2019 is to continue to level up his game and expand his range so that he can ascend to a place among the other juggernauts of the SCG Tour.

How I Did With Simic Nexus At SCG Richmond

Dylan Hand put up a Top 16 finish at SCG Richmond with Simic Nexus! He shares his successful Week 1 build and his sideboarding guide to get you ready for whatever comes next in Standard!

The Case For Grixis In War Of The Spark Standard

Before War of the Spark, Grixis decks lacked playables. After War of the Spark, the shard may have the opposite problem! So how would Dylan Hand build it for SCG Richmond?

Re-Examining Nexus Of Fate Decks With War Of The Spark

Don’t like Nexus of Fate loops? Too bad! Dylan Hand is ready to reboot Nexus of Fate decks for post-War of the Spark Standard, and he even has infinite combos at the ready!

All Praise The Boar God, Ilharg, The Raze-Boar!

A not-so-little piggy is headed to Magic, and Dylan Hand is ready for the End-Raze! He explores Ilharg’s potential in Standard and Modern.

How Does Dreadhorde Butcher Stack Up?

Will Dreadhorde Butcher run over control decks? Get stymied by green midrange creatures? Be the card Judith, the Scourge Diva needed to unlock its potential? Dylan Hand checks out those possible futures!

Mulliganing In Modern

Ahead of SCG Cleveland, Dylan Hand breaks down a few of the nuances of mulliganing in Modern and presents four puzzling hands. Do you agree with Dylan’s choices?

Nine Decks, Three Formats, One Goal: Win SCG Cincinnati

Whichever seat you’re taking in Team Constructed at SCG Cincinnati, Dylan Hand has a trio of suggestions for you! Let the SCG Tour grinder guide the way!

The Case For Chalice Of The Void In Modern

Dredge and Izzet Phoenix are two of Modern’s toughest, most popular decks. What beats them both? Dylan Hand thinks Chalice of the Void is the answer for SCG Philadelphia and highlights several potential decks!

Updating Humans For SCG Regionals

With Krark-Clan Ironworks banned from Modern, the coast is clear for Humans! But how to build it for SCG Regionals? Dylan Hand provides his latest list, plus sideboarding guides for more than a dozen matchups!

All Things Mono-Red Prison In Legacy

With SCG Syracuse this weekend, it’s Legacy’s turn in the spotlight! Dylan Hand takes a look at Mono-Red Prison, the Mountains-and-artifacts strategy that could lock down the title!

Visualizing Standard Success At SCG Dallas

Dylan Hand finished in the Top 64 at SCG Dallas and learned a valuable lesson in the post-event analysis! Today he shares his charts, his findings, and one big tip for success in Ravnica Allegiance Standard!

Find The Best Nexus Deck And You Get To Win SCG Dallas

Between Wilderness Reclamation and Nexus of Fate, it’s pretty clear that Standard is at the mercy of this strategy…if we can find the best version! Dylan Hand is hard at work on making it happen! Can you?

Standard’s Crucial Data Points For SCG Baltimore!

Did you know that SCG Tour star Dylan Hand is a data engineer? That’s right! What better expertise to have when breaking down how SCG Baltimore’s Standard metagame is going to reveal itself?

The Week One Guide To Playing Bant Nexus

How do you sideboard for a metagame this young? Well, there are a few ways. Firstly, you can talk to Dylan Hand who gets this stuff. Secondly, you can look at the previous Standard and the new cards! Could SCG Indy be any easier for you? Thanks, Dylan!

The Crazy Powerful Potential Of Priest Of Forgotten Gods

Look out, Aristocrats fans! This card may show us some tricks we never thought we’d get to do in Standard! But is it good enough to hang around the top tier? Dylan Hand ventures into the dark side with these new lists!