
AuthorBrad Nelson

2010 Player of the Year Brad Nelson started his Pro Tour career as FffreaK on Magic Online and quickly catapulted to the top of international Magic success. He won GP DC, the 2014 Star City Games Players' Championship, and was 2nd at PT Amsterdam. He conquered Grand Prix Omaha in 2017 without dropping a single match, one week after winning the SCG Tour event in Baltimore. He now lives in the Pacific Northwest producing top-notch video and article content.

Hoof There It Is

2010 Player of the Year Brad Nelson tells the hotly anticipated story of how he came to play Hoof There It Is and why and provides a matchup primer for those who want to play it at SCG Standard Open: Baltimore.

FFfreak’s RTR Draft Chronicles: Golgari

Starting with his favorite, Golgari, Brad Nelson will be explaining how to draft each of the five guilds in Return to Ravnica in five articles. Don’t underestimate what green-black can do!

Magic Candy: Standard!!!

Brad Nelson is chasing Pro Tour glory in Modern, but the new Standard metagame has caught his eye as well. Learn what Brad thinks are the strongest decks heading into the SCG Standard Open in Indianapolis.

Brad vs. Gerry: Jund Midrange vs. Grixis Control

In their latest playtesting video, Gerry tries out the Grixis Control list he talked about in his last article while Brad battles with Jund Midrange. Get inspired for the SCG Standard Open in Indianapolis this weekend!

Finding Patient Zero

Want to devour players’ brains in Cincinnati this weekend? Then check out the Standard Zombie decks that 2010 Player of the Year Brad Nelson has been working on to see which one fits your play style best.