Live Coverage of the 10K Weekend in St. Louis!

Richard “Aaron” Wayne
Standard Open Champion

Standard Open Top 16 Decklists By Bill Stark
The Top 16 decklists from the Standard Open.

Top 8 Player Profiles By Bill Stark
Meet the Top 8 competitors from the Standard Open in St. Louis!

Pat McGregor
Legacy Open Champion

Legacy Open Top 16 Decklists By Bill Stark
The Top 16 decklists from the Legacy Open.

Top 8 Player Profiles By Bill Stark
Meet the Top 8 competitors from the Legacy Open in St. Louis!

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[author name=Day 1 saw Richard "Aaron" Wayne take the Standard title at the first Open event, held in St. Louis. Joining him at the victory dais after Legacy? Minnesota’s Pat McGregor! He bested 127 other competitors over seven rounds and three single elimination matches to steal the title with his Aggro Loam deck.

Based around Life from the Loam, Pat’s deck choice was a popular one. No less than four decks in the Top 8 were playing the Ravnica sorcery, including his Quarterfinals and Finals opponents. The weekend was a resounding success! Congratulations to Pat and Aaron, and we’ll see you all in Los Angeles on January 2-3!

Top 8 Player Profiles By Bill Stark
Meet the Top 8 competitors from the Legacy Open in St. Louis!

Legacy Open Top 16 Decklists By Bill Stark
The Top 16 decklists from the Legacy Open.

Finals: Owen Turtenwald vs. Pat McGregor By Bill Stark
The last time Owen Turtenwald was in a large Legacy cash tournament was Grand Prix-Columbus in 2007, where he finished in second place.

Semifinals: Owen Turtenwald vs. Mark Larson By Bill Stark
Owen Turtenwald had managed to escape a 43 Land mirror match in the Quarterfinals. He squared off against Mark Larson playing Zoo in the Semifinals, and was a definite favorite to win.

Quarterfinals: Pat McGregor vs. Brian Boss By Peter Martinez
“What, you’re Aggro Loam, too?!” Brian Boss asked his opponent Pat McGregor as they sat down to their first match in the Top 8.

Quarterfinals: Chris Andersen vs. Owen Turtenwald By Bill Stark
The match threatened to be a grueling, drawn out affair as the opponents were geared to beat creature-based strategies while playing few attackers themselves.

Quarterfinals: Jeff Cosgrove vs. Sam Cocchiarella By Bill Stark
Sam was one of two Fish players to make the Top 8, and he was matched agains Jeff Cosgrove and his Bant goodstuff deck.

Round 7: Chase Lamm vs. Sam Cocchiarella By Bill Stark
Because the tournament had had the maximum allowable number of players to be seven rounds, 128, none of the 5-1 players could afford to intentionally draw into the Top 8. That meant both Chase and Sam needed a win to have a shot at playing the single elimination rounds.

5:07 – Hot Legacy Cards By Bill Stark
With Legacy’s wide open card pool, including some wacky deck designs, we checked back in today to see which cards were hard to keep in stock for Legacy competition.

Round 6: Sam Black vs. Bill Lies By Bill Stark
With only two rounds left to play for the Top 8, both players were within striking distance of the single elimination rounds.

3:04 – Road Warriors By Bill Stark
The question many wondered leading in to the inaugural 2010 event in St. Louis was “Would players travel to compete for the big prizes?” The resounding answer midway through day two, was, “YES!”

Round 4: Mike Nyberg vs. Jeremy Bates By Bill Stark
On Saturday, Mike Nyberg became one of just eight individuals to make the final table of the first Open of the 2010 season. On Sunday, he found himself in contention to wind up back at that table at 2-0-1 headed into the fourth round of play.

On Camera: Competitive Players’ Thoughts on Legacy By Bill Stark
Find out what a range of top competitive players, from Pro Tour Top 8ers to Open champions, think about Legacy as a format.

Round 3: Brad Nelson vs. John Oakes By Bill Stark
Brad Nelson, despite coming off of a great year on the Pro Tour, has never played in a Legacy tournament before today.

On Camera: Legacy Weapon of Choice By Bill Stark
We ask Mike Nyberg, Richard “Aaron” Wayne, John Pennick, Brad Nelson, and Ben Wienburg what deck they’re playing at the Legacy Open.

Round 1: Ben Wienburg vs. Robert Vroman By Bill Stark
Two of the Midwest’s eternal format veterans met in the first round of Sunday’s Legacy Open.

Red Deck DOES Win! By Bill Stark
Richard Wayne won the 2009 Standard with the help of his blazing red deck.
Top 8 Bracket

Top 8 Player Profiles By Bill Stark
Meet the Top 8 competitors from the Standard Open in St. Louis!

Finals: Justin Souza vs. Richard Wayne By Bill Stark
The opening turns of a red mirror are a cavalcade of creatures and burn spells, with the players trying to figure out which one of them is the beatdown, and which one of them is supposed to play control.

Semifinals: Richard Wayne vs. Mike Nyberg By Bill Stark
Richard Wayne had burned a path to the Top 8 with a red deck mostly of his own design. Many an opponent had been left aflame in his wake, and he was hoping to put Mike Nyberg in that exact same spot. Nyberg, however, was packing the power of Jund.

Quarterfinals: Richard Wayne vs. Brandon Burks By Peter Martinez
Brandon lost to Richard already today in a Round 7 feature match, can he get revenge?

Quarterfinals: Tim Hunt vs. Robert Graves By Bill Stark
Tim Hunt earned a Top 8 spot with the popular Jund foil, Spread ‘Em, but will he be able to take down Robert Graves’ Grixis deck?

Standard Open Top 8 Decklists By Bill Stark
The Top 8 decklists from the Standard Open.

Quarterfinals: Michael Pozsgay vs. Justin Souza By Bill Stark
Pozsgay, a professional namestay for other games, has finally taken up Magic, and is hoping to keep his run at the game alive with a win here today.

Round 9: Daniel Tucker vs. Dan Foster By Bill Stark
It was a battle of the Dans, and an audience member proved just how comical that could be when he walked up and said “Good luck Dan!” Both players stared at him, unsure of who he was referring to specifically.

Round 9: Daniel Tucker vs. Dan Foster By Bill Stark
It was a battle of the Dans, and an audience member proved just how comical that could be when he walked up and said “Good luck Dan!” Both players stared at him, unsure of who he was referring to specifically.

Round 8: Luke Hilme vs. Garner Perigo By Bill Stark
Garner Perigo roared into this round with his Boros deck versus Luke Hilmes’ G/W Tokens deck. More than just a Top 8 berth was on the line – Garner needed tattoo money.

7:49 – Photo Essay: Around the Hall By Bill Stark
Here are some of the sights from around the convention center at the St. Louis Open Weekend!

Round 7: Richard Wayne vs. Brandon Burks By Bill Stark
Richard unfurled a 2009s Top 8 competitor playmat across the table; the rubber mat was less than a week old, but it did Mr. Wayne no good in winning the die roll.

On Camera: Yuuya’s One Question for Brian Kibler By Bill Stark
American pro Brad Nelson reveals the truth about reigning Player of the Year Yuuya Watanabe and his secret: being in awe of Brian Kibler.

Round 6: Scott Bielick vs Brandon Scheel By Bill Stark
It was a Feature Match amongst friends, with Brandon Scheel and Scott Bielick not only regularly testing together in Ames, Iowa, but having ridden in the very same car to St. Louis.

4:03 – The Standard Market By Bill Stark
We talked with a member of the sales team here at the event to see which cards were seeing activity this weekend.

Round 4: Adam Cai vs. Tom Ross By Bill Stark
Adam Cai, playing Monogreen Eldrazi, drove 9 hours with his friends to play in the Open events this weekend, and this round he’s facing off against Tom Ross, piloting a Naya deck.

Round 3: Richard Feldman vs. Chase Lamm By Bill Stark
Richard Feldman was piloting a Grixis control deck, but made room in his Sideboard for other matchups by taking out some graveyard hate. Guess which deck Chase Lamm is playing…

1:42 – Photo Essay: St. Louis Sightings By Bill Stark
Your coverage crew took a quick gander around the room this morning and found a host of sights and faces familiar to the community.

On Camera: Who’s Your Favorite Premium Writer? By Bill Stark
Pros love reading pros, and we asked a host of them who their favorite Premium authors at were.

Round 2: Kenny Castor vs. Michael Pozsgay By Bill Stark
During the Lorwyn Block Constructed season, Kenny Castor managed to make the Top 8 of Grand Prix-Denver, his first premier level Top 8. Michael Pozsgay was somewhat new to Magic, though he had already developed a fierce reputation as a gamer.

On Camera: What’s the Best Deck in Standard? By Bill Stark
Live from the 10k Weekend in St. Louis, we ask Brandon Scheel, Tom Ross, Brad Nelson, Tommy Kolowith, Brian Boss, and Kenny Castor what the best deck in Standard is.