I have to admit, I have an agenda for this week’s Battle Royale. And, no, it’s not just to
win so I can keep telling myself how good I am, how much better it is being a professional and
not some regular, old casual player. It’s just that I faced a lot of complaints last week, and
most of them were deserved… so this week I wanted to get things back on track. The major
complaint was that I had showed a lack of interest in and respect for the Battle Royale by
showing up late for and missing my match two Sundays ago. There’s not much else for me to say
about that unfortunate accident, because I understand a person’s actions do speak much louder
than their words. So part of my agenda this round is to try to show you how interested I am in
being a part of the Battle Royale.
A second complaint was that I didn’t do a great job writing my match report, that it was
devoid of real content, and overall useless to anyone interested in the results of my duel
with Evan Erwin. The reasons for my failure in that regard are unimportant; but, seeing as I
have a second chance (thanks to Richie winning my match for me), I will do my best to make it
up to you next week.
The final complaint, and the most enjoyable one to address, was that the U/W control deck
I presented last week was just plain boring. No one said it wasn’t good. In fact,
some of you said you were excited that such a deck could be built on a budget. But, honestly,
even if my Millstones provoked a hint of nostalgia, they certainly didn’t get any one’s heart
racing. I have heard your concerns and will try to build something both competitive and
exciting this week.
With that said, let’s build a deck.
I don’t know if you read my Phoenix tournament
report, but in it I talked about a draft deck that’s the inspiration for this week’s
creation. Eidolon-control is one of my favorite RGD archetypes and I wanted to see if I could
convert it to a Constructed format. The budget-restricted power level of Battle Royale seemed
like the perfect environment for a beta build.
In Limited, any Eidolon will do; it’s more important to figure out your colors based on
the removal and other spells that come through you during the draft. Sure, some Eidolons are
better than others. For example, the Blue and Black ones are the best for a control deck
because they can win games for you without charging into the red zone. The White one is best
at softening the harsh effects of rumbling. And, the Red and Green Eidolon abilities are next
to useless in a removal heavy control deck… except that, even as inefficient 2/2s for four,
they are combat relevant at almost every phase of a Limited game. For Constructed, I think the
Eidolons should be viewed more as an inexorable win condition than as a deck’s primary board
control mechanism. With that in mind, I’m guessing we probably want to try and build around
the Blue and Black ones. Am I already trying build another Mill deck… to be perfectly
honest, I don’t know yet. I’m working through this deck only a little faster than I write
about it.
It’s an obvious statement, I’m sure, but because we are building around Eidolons, the deck
requires a critical mass of multi-colored spells. We’ll just keep that in mind during building
and try to use mono-colored spells only to fill glaring holes.
Eidolons provide small amounts of incremental advantage through out the course of a game;
neither their recursion nor their activated abilities do anything especially powerful. We need
splashiness to come from our other spells.
Eidolons are excellent at keeping your hand full if you can return them consistently.
Since that’s exactly what we plan on doing, we should look for ways to take advantage of our
neo-Squees. A quick, organic perusal of the Standard card pool leads me quickly from Rakdos
Guildmage, to Lyzolda, to Avatar of Discord. That seems like a reasonable core for a Black/Red
aggro/aggro-control deck with an Eidolon engine.
Time to start brainstorming some cards.
Obviously, at this point in the process, we want to be pretty open about the cards we
consider, but we also have a direction in mind for the deck, so we can use that as a loose
guideline for ignoring some cards in our color. Those guidelines loosely are: a Red/Black
base, a predilection for multi-colored spells, spells that have synergy with recurring
Eidolons, and then whatever sub-themes develop during deck-building.
The Brainstorming List:
Entropic Eidolon
Verdant Eidolon
Sandstorm Eidolon
Enigma Eidolon
Aurora Eidolon
Rakdos Guildmage
Rise / Fall
Lyzolda, the Blood Witch
Golgari Guildmage
Avatar of Discord
Gutless Ghoul
Hit / Run
Wrecking Ball
Clash of Realities
Grave Pact
Stormscale Anarch
I have a much longer, much less interesting list of possibilities on my computer at home,
but a lot of the cards are pretty unimportant on this initial run-through. I’ve pulled out
what I thought were the exciting cards, the ones that shape the bulk of a deck’s play. Clash
of Realities was a nice surprise, and finding it prompted me to look for other in-color ways
of taking advantage of the Eidolon’s spirit status. Cards like Thief of Hope and even Infernal
Kirin just weren’t powerful enough to make up for being mono-colored. Of course, I think Clash
of Realities was quickly outclassed in the Eidolon-synergy department by Grave Pact. Golgari
Guildmage will probably be too slow, but it is a bear, so some number of them will probably be
included to round out the two-drop slot. Gutless Ghoul probably won’t make the deck, but it is
a cheap way to get yet another use out of those recurring Eidolons. Avatar, of course, is
huge, and I’m hoping the Eidolon-engine helps mitigate the equally huge drawback of the card.
With 8-12 Eidolons in the deck, it seems unlikely that I’ll ever be in a position where I
can’t play the Avatar, even as an empty-handed topdeck. Stormscale Anarch is outclassed by the
Rakdos Guildmage and Lyzolda, so he probably won’t end up in the deck. Hit / Run, Wrecking
Ball, and Rise / Fall are all just very strong, versatile multi-colored spells that provide
disruption and card advantage.
Right now, the base of the deck looks like this:
4 Entropic Eidolon
4 Sandstorm Eidolon
4 Rakdos Guildmage
4 Lyzolda, the Blood Witch
4 Avatar of Discord
? Golgari Guildmage
? Hit/Run
4 Wrecking Ball
? Rise/Fall
? Grave Pact
Because we’re building this deck for Battle Royale, I really want to try and limit color
requirements, keeping the deck heavily Black and Red with a light, mostly incidental splash.
What that means is that we will probably end up cutting Rise / Fall and supporting the green
halves of the Golgari Guildmage and Hit / Run off of Karoos (a.k.a. the budget duals). I chose
Green over Blue, because we aren’t really worried about missing the Green halves of our
spells; being able to activate them sometimes is just an added bonus. It’s Hit and the
Guildmages sac ability that we really want. On the other hand, Rise is the better half in that
twisted marriage, and it would be pretty awkward for everyone involved if she didn’t get
consistent play because of mana issues. I’m pretty sure we want to be running an incidental
third color regardless, because a lot of our cards are super mana hungry and we want more than
four Karoos in the deck.
Some notes on budget mana fixing: everyone knows about Signets, but sometimes you just
don’t have room for them; if you don’t have a lot of one-drops, there’s less drawback to the
Coldsnap Invasion-style duals. If you have a lot of artifacts or just colorless mana
requirements in your spells, the Kamigawa depletion lands become less terrible. If you have a
ton of multi-colored spells, as this deck does, then Pillar of the Paruns becomes viable; but
if those same spells have a lot of activated abilities, then the Pillar’s drawback gets even
worse. Tendo Ice Bridge has shown up in all kinds of decks to fill color gaps; I’d like to
note that the Bridge gets significantly better when a deck has a lot of Karoos. Also, while
Karoos are the gold standard of budget mana fixing, an abundance of Karoos, without special
regard for the ebb and flow of a deck’s optimal turns, can be hell on tempo (not to mention,
Boomerang and Stone Rain are everywhere these days).
After these color decisions, I think we’ve gotten to here:
4 Entropic Eidolon
4 Sandstorm Eidolon
4 Rakdos Guildmage
4 Lyzolda, the Blood Witch
4 Avatar of Discord
4 Golgari Guildmage
? Hit / Run
4 Wrecking Ball
3 Grave Pact
2 Golgari Signet
2 Rakdos Signet
4 Rakdos Carnarium
4 Tresserhorn Sinks
4 Golgari Rot Farm
I still have a question mark on Hit / Run because, if we have the mana to support it,
Putrefy is simply more consistent and powerful in most situations. While I noted earlier that
we have a lot of men with mana-hungry abilities, I still think that between the actual casting
costs of our spells and the high amount of Karoos this is a 22- to 23-land deck. I’m generally
greedy and often choose the extra spell over the land, but I’m gonna fight that urge in this
deck. We have room for eleven basics, which should be all Swamps and Mountains with a slight
lean Black. Now, lean Black wit me. Also, I’ve decided to go with Putrefy over Hit / Run to
finish off the maindeck.
Here’s the maindeck I’m bringing to battle Sean McKeown:
4 Entropic Eidolon
4 Sandstorm Eidolon
4 Rakdos Guildmage
4 Lyzolda, the Blood Witch
4 Avatar of Discord
4 Golgari Guildmage
4 Putrefy
4 Wrecking Ball
3 Grave Pact
2 Golgari Signet
4 Rakdos Carnarium
4 Tresserhorn Sinks
4 Golgari Rot Farm
7 Snow-covered Swamp
4 Snow-covered Mountain
So far, so cheap. After we finish the sideboard we might even be able to add some duals or
painlands. I know I could leave it, and compete with the cheapest deck possible, but I don’t
like handicapping myself where I don’t have to. If I’m able to increase my odds of winning
because I can afford better real estate, I’m going to capitalize on that. If you don’t have
the luxury, I think the list above is completely reasonable.
Now, on to the sideboard.
The first card that springs to mind, both for it’s effect and it’s goldness, is Savage
Twister. Gold mass removal has a strong synergy with the Eidolon engine. Also, after seeing
the Grave Pacts game 1, I expect my opponent will have an answer for the enchantment. I don’t
exactly want to get stuck with my eggs all in one basket.
Hit / Run is a solid answer to untargetable creatures, but I’d expect my opponent to be
playing signets in a budget environment, or even just to protect their Simic Sky Swallower.
It’s looking more and more like Hit won’t stick in this deck. What the hell, we’ll run two
copies just in case.
Rise / Fall, on the other hand, seems like the perfect disruption spell for control
matches. Interesting, how a card that was cut so early in the process still ends up playing a
role in the deck. It just so happens that the neo-Hymn becomes the better half in the matches
where it’s relevant.
Along those same lines, I think, budget permitting, I’d like to supplement Fall with
Rakdos Augermage. I don’t know if anyone else is thinking what I’m thinking, but Sean loves
playing plodding control decks and trying to win with sprawling combos. So yeah, I’m
metagaming a little bit.
Finally, to catch anything that falls through the cracks, because who really
knows what Sean’s gonna play, and because we can… Naturalize.
So the sideboard looks like this:
3 Savage Twister
2 Hit / Run
4 Rise / Fall
3 Rakdos Augermage
3 Naturalize
Therefore, the completed deck, for those playing along at home is:
Creatures (24)
- 4 Golgari Guildmage
- 4 Avatar of Discord
- 4 Entropic Eidolon
- 4 Lyzolda, the Blood Witch
- 4 Rakdos Guildmage
- 4 Sandstorm Eidolon
Lands (23)
Spells (13)

As far as price totals, everything is pretty low, with Augermage being the most in demand
rare, and not by much.
4 Entropic Eidolon – FREE
4 Sandstorm Eidolon – FREE
4 Rakdos Guildmage – 2/1 = 2 tickets
4 Lyzolda, the Blood Witch – 0.75 = 3 tickets
4 Avatar of Discord – 0.33 = 1.33 tickets
4 Golgari Guildmage – 8/1 = 0.5 tickets
4 Putrefy – 1 = 4 tickets
4 Wrecking Ball – FREE
3 Grave Pact – 1 = 3 tickets
2 Golgari Signet – FREE
4 Rakdos Carnarium – FREE
4 Tresserhorn Sinks – 4/1 = 1 ticket
4 Golgari Rot Farm – FREE
7 Snow-covered Swamp – FREE
4 Snow-covered Mountain – FREE
3 Savage Twister – 4/1 = 0.75 tickets
2 Hit/Run – 4/1 = 0.5 tickets
4 Rise/Fall – 4/1 = 1 ticket
3 Rakdos Augermage – 2 = 6 ticket
3 Naturalize – FREE
For a grand total of: 22.83 tickets
Sick… Eidolons, Ho! Looking forward to seeing how it plays.
Until next time,
Billy Moreno
[The Battle takes place on Friday 22nd September at 8pm EST, in the Anything Goes casual
room of Magic Online. Be there! – Craig.]