

CASUAL FRIDAYS #69: Songs And Victory

Break this Contest has banned AND (Shyft is an Ice Age creature that can go multichromatic at instant speed.) Any submission using should be resubmitted. Anthony apologizes for the oversight, and would like to state for the record that he thinks Ice Age is a lovely expansion, and that people who think about Ice Age…

PTQ: Checked

Wednesday, Dec 5. I got home at two a.m. on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning after playing way too much Magic at CMU. Stupidly, I logged on to check my mail… and found sixty-three messages. Oh man. I did write that damned "respond to email with haste, chief" diatribe, didn’t I? At about 4:20 a.m., I hit…

Price of Progress: Chicago Report

Chicago was the next stop on my marathon of Magic events. I’d been to three different countries in the previous weeks, traveling to Sydney, Australia, Florence, Italy, and Dallas, TX in search of that elusive win. I was in search of Pro Tour points and prize money, of course, but mostly I was after the…

PT: Chicago Analysis: Why Is It So Limited?

The results are in! This weekend saw the culmination of Pro Tour: Chicago, the tournament that I had most hoped to attend. Alas, it was not to be; the closest I came to fame was finishing third in the Qualifier. Okay, the mandatory "my fifteen minutes of fame" moment is over with. The results are…

Playing Devil’s Advocate: The State Of Standard After PT: Chicago

Thanks to the plethora of people who have been e-mailing me to add their names to the petition to start a Senior Super Series of some sort. Keep those e-mails coming (although I have a few logistical problems to work out, which I’ll save for another column). But on to the matter at hand. The…


For those of you who recognize the reference I made in my title, this article is not about politics OR Saturday Night Live. Actually, it – like all other articles I write – is about Magic. But, this one is a bit different. Usually I write something about the storyline, or new rules, or my…

Interview With Gary Wise

: Mr. Wise, as a start to the interview I would like to ask you a background question: What Pro Tours, Grand Prixes, and so on have you participated in and how have you done in them? : Well, I’ve actually been around for a long time now. My first PT was Dallas, at the…

Jon Finkel: An Exclusive Interview

Do you have questions or comments on anything you’d like to add to my ongoing interview segments? Look here first for the word from professional Magic players all over the world! : Please list your Magic achievements for your fans. : Well, I won the 2000 World Championships and US Nationals, as well as 1998…