

Fact Or Fiction: Copy Cats And Fatal Strats

Join a Pro Tour Champion and a Player of the Year as they debate everything surrounding Magic with Aether Revolt! Which perspectives do you most agree and disagree with? Who has earned your vote?

Fact Or Fiction: Unbans, Bans, And #SCGRICH!

It’s an election year, which means that everyone is in the debating spirit! Tom “The Boss” Ross and Todd Anderson are no strangers to winning, but who can defeat the other when it comes to Modern’s standing, #SCGRICH glory, and the immediate future of Legacy?

Fact Or Fiction: The Broadcast Booth Debates The #SCGINVI!

They’ll be calling all the #SCGINVI action as it happens, but what do Cedric Phillips and Patrick Sullivan think will happen at the Invitational? Get the Magic broadcasting masters’ takes on Modern, Standard, and what’s sure to be an impressive field of players fighting to make The SCG Players’ Championship!

Fact Or Fiction: The Great Pro Tour Debate!

It’s the series you can’t get enough of! We’ve separated all of the Pro Tour tech, the top #SCGNY Modern contenders, and a lot of debatable statements into two piles; it’s up to Tom “The Boss” Ross and Ross Merriam to sort them out!

Fact Or Fiction: Eldritch Moon Release Week Edition!

Brad and Todd may be friends, but that doesn’t mean they’re above a good old fashioned Magic debate! #SCGCOL is this weekend. Which of these two Magic masters would you trust with the knowledge after reading their sides of the Eldritch Moon story?

Fact Or Fiction: The Green, The White, And The Ugly

It’s that time again! Two of the brightest minds in the Magic business are ready to debate the biggest questions surrounding #SCGORL! Will G/W Tokens be unstoppable? Is Merfolk a real Modern deck? Does Brad look better with a beard than Tom does without?

Fact Or Fiction: #GPCharlotte Weekend!

You want to big-time players to get advice from? You can’t do much better than these two! What do they know about this Modern format that others don’t? Time to find out as they debate the facts and the fictions surrounding #GPCharlotte!

Fact Or Fiction: A Banner Week For Modern

Was getting rid of Splinter Twin the right thing? Was keeping a few banlist hopefuls out of the format for another season really the way to go? Will Eldrazi trample over #SCGATL and #PTOGW? We ask Brad and Tom to debate and weigh in!

Fact Or Fiction: Welcome To New Standard!

New format, new changes to the IQ program, new everything! Standard is in the air, and that means Brad Nelson and Brian Braun-Duin are looking to argue over the topics that matter most in Magic heading to #SCCATL!