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A Brief Respite

The qualifiers are over, at least here in England, and we have a little break before we have to start testing for the big event. Last weekend was also the monthly Bath Magic tournament so I thought I’d see how Blastogeddon would do against some of the decks in the current environment. After playtesting and…

Commissioners, A Richard Garfield Story And All Things Swanky

Too sexy for the DMV, indeed! You’re all jealous, I tell ya, jealous of my swanky good looks. But I get the feeling you’d rather not hear me discuss the secrets to my inner swankiness (to order, call the number on your screen or send $29.95 to….) I know, let’s talk about Regionals like everyone…

You Know’ For Kids

As a parent, one of my biggest worries centres around my children being brainwashed by watching too much television (that and committing me to a "Care Facility" where the walls are smeared with poo and eight-foot tall ‘Native Americans’ keep destroying lavatory fittings); more specifically: how it affects their capability for social interaction, the definition…

Three Decks And A Fountain Of Wisdom

A strange psychosis begins to creep into every writer’s head when they become a feature columnist; I’ve seen it happen time and time again. They begin to imagine that they have an audience. Now let’s be honest: Do you really even care whether I write anything? Of course you don’t. Every couple of days —…


is probably the most interesting card from Nemesis. A few of my friends have been talking about it– I had gone so far as to predict it to be the breakout card of Regionals, saying that it would take multiple people to Nationals. The thing I find most interesting, as put it, is that people…

Price Of Progress: Pro Tour – NY

I’ve been putting off writing this report. I didn’t do well, the playtest group that I was involved with didn’t do well. We failed. I do it plenty, don’t get my wrong, and I learn from it and I get better. But failure is embarrassing, nonetheless. While some have the excuse that they didn’t try,…

A Veritable Patchwork Quilt

Salvete ————- Greetings and salutations, my ever-changing moods! Welcome to the patchwork quilt that is my latest article. And in a packed page tonight we hear a blast from the past, when I share with you something I discovered in the dark recesses of my spare room; we get all philosophical with 57 alternative uses…

Good & Bad: Installation II

Hello again from the recently distraught Lawyer. Recently, I’ve suffered computer problems resulting in no access to the Internet since Tuesday and a complete erasure of my hard drive and an illness that put me in the hospital for a while. So, as you can imagine, I’m a little out of touch with the Magic…

Merfolk For All

Easter weekend: A time to relax, see friends and try not to think about work. In England, most of us get Good Friday and Easter Monday off work and it makes for a wonderful, long weekend. It also gives those of us that want to a little more time to play Magic that usual. So,…


I was in FYE (For Your Entertainment) the other day and I decided I needed new tapes for the car. I had one tape in mind going in, the Magnolia Soundtrack), but I wanted something else. I was already in the soundtrack section, so I kept browsing. I came across the new Broadway Recording of…

Last-Minute Preparations

I now know the nature of hell. I’m figuratively living in a whirlwind right now, and it’s a little tough to keep my head on straight. There is no causal connection between those two things. I don’t know if you’ve seen the videos of people who’ve had the halves of their brains separated by accident…

Escape From The Big Apple

The belated part two. Last week, I was talking about my general observations about Pro Level play. Here are more things I noticed, which may be useful to know about. Pile Shuffle. Every time. It may seem like a given, but I know I forget to do it every once in awhile. Pile shuffling helps…

The Most Boring Column I’ve Ever Written

First of all, dear readers, I apologize for turning in a less-than-dazzling column. Unfortunately, one of my ferrets— yes, I do own them, how do you think I got the name?— died of seizures at the vet last night, and I’m not really feeling well enough to write my usual scintillating prose. Sleepy, the albino…

Blowing A Hole In The Metagame

You know what’s funny? Go through the Archives and look at the pictures. There’s nothing funny about that. UNTIL… you start imagining the faces as photos on driver’s licenses. Look at‘em! Erik Berg’s“hey, hey! Now you’re giving me the speeding ticket FOR SURE!” Strapping Manuel Bevand! “I’m Too Sexy for the DMV!” So sexy…

The Future Of Extended

It goes without saying that the most recent changes in the Extended environment—the banning of and —will shake up the environment considerably. How’s that for the understatement of the year? Despite the public hue and cry over these latest DCI decisions—including the rather less-than-literate list of complainers over on the Dojo way back when—these decisions…