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      There’s Nothing Left But To Leave It All Behind

      If I’m not lynched for this one, it’ll be a miracle. And not the nice, Frank Capra kind of miracle, either. No, if I do manage to escape untorn, it will only serve to secure a more terrifying fate later. I hope you can all live with yourselves knowing that you’ve driven me to this….

      Yes, I’m Afraid It’s Another Rising Waters Deck Analysis

      I know what your thinking,“Not another analysis of the deck from MBC! We’ve had enough of those already!” And you may be right. I may be crazy. But it just might be a lunatic you’re looking for. But it was either this or another random thoughts column, and two in one month would make me…

      Price Of Progress: US Nationals Report

      I had high hopes for US Nationals. I’d been playing in a great deal of Standard tournaments at the local stores in Denver, CO. It took me a few tries to find a deck that I liked, but once I found it, I kept playing and tuning it. And I kept winning. Things were looking…

      Prove That I Suck, Win An Avatar Of Will!

      There’s basically three-and-a-half approaches to designing effective multiplayer decks: 1) Create a totally unstoppable deck that’s a constant threat — if anyone takes their eye off of you for a split-second, you win. EXAMPLE: A recursion deck that uses Elves to generate quick mana, Coats Of Arms for beef, and for a final attack with…

      Gone Fishin’

      Congrats to our esteemed former editor-in-chief for moving up to, as Keith Olbermann would put it, “The Big Show.” Pack an umbrella and several cans of -O-Leum, Omeed, you’re gonna need it. Props must also be given to a local player I know, Chris Benafel, for finishing second at Nationals and advancing to Worlds (great,…

      Casual Fridays #45: Ode to Omeed

      AUTHOR’S NOTE: Regular programming for Casual Fridays has been postponed one week so that we can deal with this timely topic. (Sure, one week old by the time you read this, but it’s not like Omeed put a freshness date on his resignation.) Like many of you, I was dismayed to find out Monday (this…

      Old School

      This is all going to be very dangerous. Today I’m releasing the method for an amazing multiplayer variant, and along with that the steps necessary to create the environment within which it can flourish. This isn’t for the faint of heart. Yesterday I was at the bus station minding the closest thing to my own…

      If People Were Magic Cards – The Directors Cut

      Following up from the thinly-disguised space-filler from a couple of articles ago, I thought I’d throw in a few more ‘persons as Magic cards’ – you know the concept, I mean the title fair gives the game away, no? Anyway – I know this is asking for trouble, but can anyone out there produce some…

      54th – That’s Pretty Rubbish, Isn’t It?

      SATURDAY It is a beautiful morning – blue skies and shining, summer sun. Alan and myself leave my part-time Reading residence at the crack of dawn (a lark in attendance) and drive to Guildford – shining Southern metropolis and home to this year’s English Nationals. I should emphasise that they are the ENGLISH Nationals (…

      A Little Counter, A Little Burn

      Well, is out and last week I said I’d have a look at it. Once again I’ve been beaten to the crunch by a whole host of writers who seem to have lots of ideas that (I guess) you don’t want to hear for the millionth time, so I’ve got to come up with something…

      Casual Fridays #44: A Glance At Prophecy, And A War Of Colors

      First, I know you’re all dying to know how I did at the prerelease. Well, the news is mixed, but largely good. I roared out of the gate to a 4-1 start — a much more pleasant mirror reflection of my Nemesis record. Since I was a mere match win away from prizes, I kept…

      Random Thoughts

      A-yup. That’s what I thought. · and Lin Sivvi banned in Mercadian block Lin Sivvi doesn’t surprise me, but when I think about it, banning the Port makes sense too. If Pro Tour-NY 2000 taught us anything (aside from the fact that everything you see about New York on Letterman is pretty much spot on)…


      Hey, look at me! I’m the only guy on the ‘net who’s not writing about ! I was planning to, but I didn’t want to bore you all with just someone else’s opinion about the set. And, I especially didn’t want to subject you to MY opinion. (Just a little humility there, that’s all.) Well,…

      Prophecy: The Threat On The Horizon

      Let’s open with a little ditty, shall we? (Sung to the tune of “Jimmy Crack Corn”) Lennon gets shot, and I don’t care; Elvis cacks off, and I don’t care; But Zappa dies, and then I caaaaare…. The Master’s gone away! My aunt, who was a reasonable woman, went completely berserk when John Lennon was…

      We Interrupt Current Programming…

      Er… no, that’s not quite right… first up, just a quick note to say that I am getting a little worried right now. Worried for the beloved game of Magic: The Gathering. Why? Well there’s a new kid on the block and he’s getting all of our friends to go play with him instead –…