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Is The Heart Fonder?

If absence makes the heart grow fonder, I guess I must be your favorite writer by now. I want to apologize to you all for the lack of columns lately, and offer up some lame excuses… er, I mean reasons for my time away. The good news is, it’s not Asheron’s Call. In a word,…

Trading, Part II

Greetings once again! My faithful readers will remember an article of mine posted over a month ago: The original Trading. In it, I forecast that I might write another article about more broad topics than my personal endeavors in trading. Well, here I am, ready to write. Recently, Sean Erik Ponce wrote an article about…

FINAL JUDGEMENT: Survival Of The Smartest, Part I

StarCityCCG’s lovely and talented editor (and my dear friend since 1958) has asked me to write a Judge column. He even dreamt up a catchy name for it (although I dropped that icky "The"). The idea is for ME, who knows lots of stuff about the rules, to educate YOU, who hear "The Stack" and…

FINAL JUDGEMENT: Survival Of The Smartest, Part II

Last time, we focused on what other players might try to do to you. Today, we’ll talk about your own behavior at a sanctioned tournament. You can go a long way to helping your own cause, both with the other players and the tournament staff. We DCI reps will do our best to help you…

The Return Of Weapons Of Mass Distraction

Welcome, fellow readers, to another installment of Weapons of Mass Distraction. I got jealous of everyone else having column names, so I’m going back to my old column name. In this episode: Where did the folks at Wizards learn to count?; If Wizards is making the -Men Movie TCG, can we call Magneto’s little toy…

Sullivan Library: A Tale Of A PTQ

My ride was due to arrive in less than an hour. I didn’t know exactly where the tournament was. I hadn’t slept, and I’d gone out partying the night before. Definitely not the wisest way to prepare for a PTQ. The night before had started well enough. A collection of people were heading to a…

Summat Old; Summat New; Summat Borrowed; Summat U

: A tired old joke will shortly be arriving in Paragraph Three. Felicitous greetings to you my desirous readership on this th’occasion of my [wait a sec … one .. two … three … (long pause)] something-th article for StarCityCCG; and to celebrate this auspicious moment, sit yourself down and have a cup of tea…

A Continued Look At…MBC Deck Ideas

For those of you who joined me for my last article (Rising Waters in MBC), you can plainly see how dominant that deck has been in the first week of qualifiers for Pro Tour: Chicago. It has qualified a good amount of people the first two weeks of this season, and the number of people…

Casual Fridays #49: Hidden Secrets Of Mana Caches That You Can’t Find Very Easily

Thanks to all who entered Break this Card: for your submissions, and your patience. I’ve tried to give much more detail on this one, to reward everyone’s understanding. Before jumping into the official submissions, I do want to highlight a wonderful idea, based on Masques Block format, that was suggested by Rui Oliveira and his…

Lost And Found

One of the skills I’m certain I will never acquire is the minor prescience needed to foresee what decks people will be playing at a given tournament. I had thought, pie-eyed fool that I may be, that the Masques Block Constructed field would be wide open, what with the addition of a new set and…

Makes You Think

This week my thoughts on strategy have been pushed back into the depths of my mind. Decklists of MBC Counter-Rebel and Counter-Burn will remain there, because right now there are more important things to think about: I’m alive. Some things in life make you think. Sometimes something happens to you that makes you sit down…

MBC Deck Ideas…

Ah, Nationals have come and gone for most Magic Players. Congratulations to all of the winners – and I hope that all of you represent your countries well at Worlds! The time of Type Two has also passed us by, and now it is time for Pro Tour Chicago qualifiers! With a renewed interest in…

A Thousand Monkeys At A Thousand Typewriters

"It is a far, far better thing that I do than I have ever done. It is a far, far better rest that I go to than any I have ever known." These are perhaps my favorite lines in literature, uttered by Sydney Carton at the end of A Tale of Two Cities by Charles…

Beating Type 1 On A Type $0.99 Budget

Before we get into blowing up Type 1 decks real good, let’s look back over the past week to see the Things I Have Learned In Editing StarCity: 1) THE SPELLCHECKER IS NO HELP. Go ahead. Hit "F7" and watch Microsoft Word choke on "", "", "", "untap" and "topdeck". I know I do, every…

Here’s My Next [EXPLETIVE DELETED] Article

Before I start, just let me say this: JAMIE MOLES, 6 and 0!!! Respect is due! Start HERE, for [EXPLETIVE DELETED] Sake! —————————————————– (take a deep breath; pull those shoulders back; lift your chin) I had a letter the other day from my good friend and contract intellectual Prof. Gabriel Sneeep*. As far as I…