And as an extra-special consolation prize to those who wound up on Shawn’s Bottom 10 List, here’s some Boydellian suggestions for making a better site!
And as an extra-special consolation prize to those who wound up on Shawn’s Bottom 10 List, here’s some Boydellian suggestions for making a better site!
A whirlwind of (sorta) strategy from Mister Issues himself. IBC tips. Planeshift looks. The Death of White. Oh, and a tourney report,
I’m playing in slow motion, staring at each of the cards on the table. I have become the Terminator. Sheldon is, sadly, the T-1000.
There are some things about which we have no control. These are the things that Magic players have always, and will always, resent about the world: the inability to draw the critical land, the bad or unexpected matchup, being hated out of a Rochester draft by the clueless recipients of broken sealed decks, the closing…
The Dojo Effect. The King of the Fatties. Sullivan Library. Through the Looking Glass. Net decks. Study and Grow Strong. Frank Kusomoto. Casual vs. Pro. Reviled and admired. Chads of MephistophEllis. . Psylum, Inc. #mtgwacky. A moment, frozen in time. A young (is he so young? He is in his early 30s, but a feeling…
A few recent developments in multiplayer deck design that you might have fun with as well.
Jay only plays online. Jay buys no cards. Jay does not pay money to keep this site in business and is therefore killing us… Right?
No one can definitively answer this question, and this isn’t the place to discuss my opinion (I think I’m stretching it as it is).
Is sacrificing faster than anything? Really? You’re wrong.
Why Pork? Because it’s the other white meat. This is the other white control deck.
Is it all worth it? I really can’t say, at this point. I do it because I love Magic and I’m not quite sure what I’d do without it.
In Which Tony Describes, With Appropriate Exemplar Materials, The Satisfactory Procedures For The Retelling Of Competition Experiences In The Written Form Under The Nomenclature of Tournament Report.
Hello everyone in net land! I trust that all of you have either qualified for Pro Tour: Tokyo, or are planning on rubbing off people who did. Either way, there are still tournament formats waiting to be abused, and such was the case with the Type 1. tournament held just recently at our local shop,…
A long and involved deconstruction of how to design decks and how to choose cards for them. Can you build a deck around Cats and Totems?
Can Rizzo bridge the gulf betwixt casuals and pros? You bet he can… With a little support from Rizzo fans McKeown and Flores.