One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, BOOM!
I got introduced to NetherHaips. I put together a copy and it just killed everything I was playing.
I got introduced to NetherHaips. I put together a copy and it just killed everything I was playing.
And Rizzo might need a sock in the gut, too, after writing a FORTY-PAGE TOURNAMENT REPORT! With pictures. Strategy. And the usual Rizzian touch.
Aw, screw it. Que sera sera and all that jazz. What was I gonna do anyway, win Regionals? 4/17/01 The last run at CMU. And stuff. Serious testing against Turbo-Haups ensued. We won. It lost. Badly. Here’s why: , , . If one of those cards hits play, it’s bad news for the Haups guy….
Round 4: Kyle (no last name ’cause I forgot to write it down), G/W Flores-Type Junk Type of Guy: Nice Type of Opponent: Fun to play against Game 1: Kyle drops Sergeant, Boa, Boa, Cloaks the first Boa (it was his favorite Boa, I guess) while I drop a fresh one and scoop when he…
Foregoing my Crimson Tide deck, I settled on Dueling Grounds and Questing Phelddagrif, and overnight developed Leeloo.
Close. So close. What could I have done to change my final, one-short-of-the Top 8 standings? What could YOU do?
Politics still don’t exist, darnit, and I think our
disagreement is just wordplay.
This isn’t just a random collection of article links spurred by haphazard browsing, promissory notes, and stuff what my friends writ!
A lot of reminders about how to play cards and what doesn’t work that may mean the difference between win and lose!
Readers reveal many ways to get to”84″. Also, two other matters: Alongi concedes Gore-style to Rizzo, and ends the article with some insights on Noxious Vapors.
Eight creatures crashed into a stage with nine podiums. A short, aging woman with an acid glare walked down the aisle.
Is Sol Malka calculating and shrewd? Or an opportunist? Who cares?
He made it… But only after losing his first two rounds. Yeowtch. How do you make a comeback like that?
You work from a green base and go from there; now all your green base belong to Will.