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CASUAL FRIDAYS #97.5: Hall Of Fame 4.0, Third Floor: The Skylab

…and then things get awfully weird on the blue side, as Propaganda falls to #6.

A House Is Not A Home

Tony wants to poison you, then get marked… For cards!

Urza’s Mad As Hell And He’s Not Going To Take It Anymore. Well, Yeah He Is.

I miss netdecks. Boy, would they make testing IBC easier.

Highpoint NC PTQ Report *17th Place*

Colorscrew defines this format. Wizards has tried to lead us to multicolor decks with potent cards, but make no mistake – you will pay the price.

The Art Of Beating Control

Israel wrote his tales of how to play control… Now I’ll show you the tricks I used to beat Israel when he plays control.

The Casual Report, Week 3

I have reached number three. I honestly thought I would have given up on this idea by now, but it just keeps rolling along. Just a note for those of you considering an article for StarCity: I strongly recommend sending it in. The first”Casual Report” managed to win the”Article Of The Week” contest. If you…

You CAN Play Type I #8: Did Zvi Ruin The Game For Us?

Type I Acc Blue seems to be the deck to hate of the moment, because more people are trying to hose it than play it.

Responding To Chad Caudell’s Critique Of Eliot Fertik’s Critique Of His Top 8’ing Deck…

As someone who loves debating the merits of various deck builds, I couldn’t help jumping in to this one. I think both Chad and Elliot make some good points, but there are definitely areas in which I disagree with both of them. First, Chad, it doesn’t take”nerve” to criticize someone’s deck – although I do…

U/G/R: Good or No Good?

I’ll be very, very surprised if someone doesn’t find some way to abuse Obliterate at Denver. Maybe that deck will be U/G/R.


It’s my opinion that every serious tournament player should know the rules well enough to pass the Level 1 Judge test. Here’s a couple of examples.

Sexual Chocolate And The 3-5 Conspiracy: PTQ – Nawlins

Rizzo may be indicted for false tournament reports and flagrant lying… But nobody else writes ’em like this. He who dies with the most friggin’ pictures wins.

CASUAL FRIDAYS #96: Hall Of Fame 4.0, Second Floor: The Cemetery…

It’s the all-black version of the HoF, with a very special (and NEW!) #1 – don’t scroll to spoil the surprise!

CASUAL FRIDAYS #96.5: ….And Armory

And now, we look at the white cards that make it big. Okay, you can scroll to the end of this one. We don’t care.

Oblique Strategies

A contest for an Urza’s Rage amongst Brian Eno snipes, children’s rhymes, an IBC rant, and the usual mass of strangeness. What else can we say?

What Makes Me A Happy Camper

I, like all players, have gone through the various stages of exhilaration, frustration, enjoyment, and boredom. But, currently, I’m on a Magic high.