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The Essentials Of Moneydrafting: Understanding In A Modo Crash

Kurt Hahn had this to say about Tim:”The man is a money-drafter, so he knows what he’s talking about, and tells you. The only person on StarCity worth reading is a skinny kid from Ohio, but listen to him and your drafts can’t help but improve.” And hell, you wanna know the basics of money drafting? Tim’s gone toe-to-toe with guys like Baby Huey, PTR, Ed Fear, Ken Hsuing, Mike Turian, Alex Borteh, Chris Benafel, and Bob Maher… And occasionally comes out in the black. So listen to the man, willya?

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #53: Back to My Roots

I want to tell you about two multiplayer decks that work well: One’s mono-black, and one’s G/W/R. The mono-black deck won nearly every one of the half-dozen or so games I played it in, which is pretty good for a multiplayer deck – especially once people started gunning for it.

Walk With Me: My Draft Picks, And The Decisions Behind ‘Em

This week, I thought it would be cool to do a sort of”looking over my shoulder” perspective during one of my drafts. I wrote down the relevant cards in each pack, and discuss my thought process as I create a solid draft deck.

Smashing Face At TOGIT: JSS Report, 1st Place

Being the lazy person that I am, and since I was playing the exact same deck that Cash won States with, I just handed in a copy of his decklist, which I had printed out from StarCity the night before.
My apologies to all people whose names I forgot, but all I have to work with here is my scoresheet. I didn’t take notes since I was only writing a report if I won – and I didn’t plan on winning after the outcome of the first match.

The New Extended: A New Overview

What are the core cards of the new decks? Which decks didn’t place in the Top 8, but did surprisingly well anyway? Where does the new Extended fall on the metagame clock? Lots of questions, lots of answers.

From Right Field: How To Play Post Office

Since I switched to StarCity (Our Motto: No Matter What Your Rating Is, You’re Better Than at Least One of Our Writers), I have seen a huge increase in my e-mail. I’m pretty sure that it’s mostly due to spam-bots, since these e-mails typically offer genital herbal enhancement (“Be the envy of all your friends!”), dating services (“Meet desperate, usually-single women in your area!”), and easy money (“Yo, Chris, it’s your cousin Vito again. Call me on the safe phone”). Still, I’d better answer ’em.

Double or Nothing: Who You Calling Cheap?

1800 Or Bust, nothing – Jim’s on a quest to bash the Bath Invitational this time, and his mission is to break the Peasant Magic metagame wide open. Can you help him in his quest as he goes after it with the same zeal that he hits Standard with?

I Hate You, Milkman Clone

Legends, on the whole, make no sense. Okay, for a second here, just picture Kamahl, Fist of Krosa killing Kamahl, Pit Fighter. All right – shouldn’t this open up some sort of space time paradox wormhole which immediately blows Fist of Krosa boy up and sprays some sort of meaty goo around the room?

The Top Five Common Picks For Each Color In Onslaught

Pick orders are a thing of fluctuation – they are not a Bible of absolute truth that you live by, but rather a page in your mind’s notebook that you can refer back to during a draft. The more pages full of knowledge in your notebook, the better you’re gonna do on the test – or in this case, the draft. That said, these are the top 5 commons for each color in overall value… And if there is no specific need to accommodate some aspect of your deck that is lacking, this is the order that you should pick them in.

Onslaught In Extended

Let me focus on what Onslaught brought to the Extended party. Was it champagne and caviar, or Night Train and pork rinds? Which cards got the most play, and in what decks?

You CAN Play Type I #66: Mask As The New Force In Type I?

I saw an article on Mask decks last week, and I wanted to talk about it – strategies for dealing with Mask, a discussion on whether Mask is a combo deck, and alternate mana bases and color configurations for it.

From Left Field – The Unseen Angle

Okay, it’s been two weeks and we’re already all sick of AstroGlide decks. R/W, G/W, G/R/W, B/W – we’ve seen it all. Or have we? What if we told you that someone was trying to make a U/R cycling land destruction deck that Slid Aven Fogbringers for bounce and denial? THOUGHT so.

Multiplayer Is An Art, Part 20: Spellenspektakel

There’s only one question lingering through my mind:Is the Mox Jet round, or does it have a bulge in the center? You know you’ve been playing too much Magic when you spend hours debating the roundness of a Mox. I was called a heretic when I first told this at the Labyrinth – but now I have a number of believers at my side. Together we’re forming the Bulged Mox Jet Front (BMJF).

The Iron Man Cometh

So Pierre’s making a deck for multiplayer; not so unusual. But when you’re building a deck where every card that leaves play or is put into the graveyard is shredded beyond repair, you need a different strategy. You need… STYLE.

From Right Field: How To Get To States And Back

Don’t you hate tournament reports that start out with a passionless description of how the person got to the tournament and with whom they went?”Paco, Rebecca, and I hopped into the Toyota Tercel for the four-hour drive to Baton Rouge.” So I’m going to try to spice mine up a bit. Parts are true. Parts are fiction. Some parts I am simply filling in blanks where I either (a) didn’t take notes or (b) was passed out in a drunken stupor.