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Flagpole Opposition

This is not an archetype to be glossed over. Extended is not nearly the insanely fast format we knew years ago. There is plenty of time for a lock-type deck to operate, and this one is incredibly powerful.

Dominia Dominance

Justice, Finkel, Buehler, Long, Maher – the list of Magic Players who owned the Pro Tour in the past is a nice short one. Right now, only one man rules the Pro Tour and everyone knows his name: Kai Budde.

Glory Be, The Funk’s On Me

The deck is surprisingly good, better than I certainly expected. In our testing, it was no worse than 50/50 vs. Rock and U/G Madness, ate Sligh for lunch and gave Oath decks fits. This was before these improvements.

One Man’s Junk Is Another Man’s Tech…

I had put together a synthesis of Rock and Oath I called”Black Oath” back in early December – and I think, in time, it would have become Kibler’s build. That’s sad. With that in mind, here are three decks that I’ve only done some light playtesting on, but I think they have potential.

Fun With Old Cards #5: Kneeling At The Altar Of Dementia

I believe that my Altar of Dementia deck is more twisted than anyone’s, because I understand dementia… And I’m certainly not an altar boy, but I’m fed up with being told that I am.

The Swat Dilemma

I feel it’s time to write another Dilemma article in response to the last segment by my partner in crime, Ken Krouner. I think KK mistitled his article, as it should have been”The Swat Dilemma,” instead of the”The Screeching Buzzard Dilemma” – and once again, I’m on the opposing side of this dilemma.

Talking In My Sleep: Combing The Deck Database For The Best Extended Decks

Why would I declare these decks as the first tier? Is it their power that leads me to this belief? No, not really. While these are all powerful archetypes, the only reason I would present them as tier one decks is simply because – as the Deck Editor who inputs every deck into StarCityGames.com’s Deck Database – these are the ones I find myself entering over and over again.

You CAN Play Type I #74: The Control Player’s Bible, Part XVIII.1 – Head to Head With Goblins

When I saw Goblin Piledriver, I thought it was a strong card that nevertheless wouldn’t work in Type I. It didn’t occur to me that you could throw them all into a deck and see their individual drawbacks set aside by sheer weight of firepower.

Onslaught Limited Synergy Review: The Last

What we need now, is a set like Tempest with lots of cool mechanics and combo cards. God I’m sick of this damn set. I love playing it… But writing about is like stabbing myself in the forehead with a fork. CREATURE TYPE! CREATURE TYPE! MORPH! Blargh.

Building Your First Five, Volume Seven: Dashing Through the Restricted List, Part II

Moxes are great, sure – we all know that. But in Five Color, Moxes are terribly overrated. The marginal improvement that your deck receives with them is not worth the pain of losing them in ante.

Emphasizing Fun In The Multiplayer Casual Environment: Just How Abusive Can A Combo Deck Be?

Most combo decks don’t do well in multiplayer for two reasons. Firstly, they get you bashed around next game, unless it’s a small group, and you can survive one player to get the combo out again. Related to that is that it’s hard to get the combo off multiple times. Donate-Illusions of Grandeur is kinda tough to do the second time. Pray to God that you can pull it off a third.

I Nailed Two of The Dixie Chicks Before Anyone Knew Who They Were *Top 8*

“I figured since most of the legal cards are from far before I started playing, I should stand on the shoulders of giants this time around.”
“So what giants did you stand on the shoulders of?”
“The French.”
“Bold choice, man.”

Playtesting Like A Pro, Part 2: Feedback

The testing results are in… And lo and behold, changes need to be made! What problems did you note with StarCity Beats – and hopefully corrected in StarCity Beats 2.0?

Live Coverage of Grand Prix New Orleans!

This past weekend, the StarCityGames.com crew busted their butts to bring you New Orleans live, as it happened! The best match coverage around awaits! Click here to view all of the coverage… or just check out the top 64 decklists!

Walk With Me: The Three-Color Deck That Coulda Been A Winner

I received a number of drafts that needed analyzing. Unfortunately, I can only do one at a time if I wanna do ’em right, so we might as well start with one of the more interesting ones I received… A draft where someone got lured away by powerful cards that left him relying on luck to salvage his mana base.