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Back to Basics #1: Why Timmy And Brian Kibler Shouldn’t Play Type I

I envisioned the Control Player’s Bible as a detailed reference that beginners could look at without the sometimes-haughty intimidation they sometimes get in Type I websites. The problem is that as I covered the basic discussions and had to move on to more complicated details, I got feedback saying that some beginners who caught the Bible in the middle couldn’t keep up. Somewhere there, I got the idea of starting another sub-column strictly focused on beginners again.

Kickin’ It Old School: Drafting Legions White

For those following the recent discussion regarding Nick Eisel’s continuing to write for this site, The Ferrett issued a call to arms for more good writers on Onslaught drafting. So I decided, what the heck, why not give this a try? Beats waiting for Gary Wise to ever get his articles done. I am a good Limited player, though, rated as one of the better players in the state of Oregon, and I do draft plenty down at my local game store.

Countdown To Regionals: Turtles, Hares, And Blunt Objects

The man’s fallen off the Pro Tour – but now he’s back with a vengeance, determined to make Regionals his whipping boy as he fights his way back to the gravy train! The former editor of Brainburst, Mindripper, and Magicdigested.com lets someone else do the editing for a change, and gives you a complete rundown on the strengths and weaknesses of all the best decks in Standard – and asks seven questions that every rogue deckbuilder must answer.

How To Quit Your Job, Not Play Magic For Three Months, And Win A PTQ

God wants Nate Heiss to stay in the game – and as such, He handed Nate the luckiest tournament ever. Read about Erratic Explosions misfiring when Nate was at two! See how his G/W deck beat a blue deck with Arcanis, Quicksilver Dragon, Future Sight, and Krosan Colossus! And how did he channel the legendary”Eubroken” Eugene Harvey?

Lessons Learned From My Big Black Deck

In the end, this deck is a good choice for creature-heavy games, and it teaches you very quickly when to hold ’em and when to fold ’em, getting the most bang for your buck. Multiplayer isn’t always about being conservative, but it is about making the right friends. Be careful about how you wave My Big Black Weapon around.

The GAMA Report: What’s Going On In The World Of Gaming?

GAMA is the Game Manufacturers Association, and once a year they hold a trade show to allow the manufacturers to show off their completely new games and tell the world what future plans they have for their older games. I guess I should tell you what we learned about the grandfather of all card games while I was there, even if some of it has slipped out already.

Mixed kNuts: Lies, Damn Lies, And Statistics

Jose Emmanuel Argao did a great deal of playtesting to prove that his U/W Mobilization deck was better than his detractors were saying it was, and the results seem to indicate that he was correct. However, his methodology still has some serious problems, so I’m going to point out the variables that can skew your results and ways to limit the effect they have on your testing, all in order to figure out the answers to the big question:”What is the best deck?”

The Basics: Getting The Mana Right

Last week, I sat down in a multiplayer game with a handful of opponents. I smashed them. It wasn’t even close. I pulled out another deck – a deck that was a lot weaker – and smashed them again. Then I bashed them with a deck I had drafted the day before. Why? Because I had a better understanding of how mana worked than they did…. And yes, it is that important.

The Nick Martiniuk Maneuver

Just what is the “Nick Martiniuk Maneuver”? I’ll explain.

Nick, a colorful personality and awful at the best of times, broke new ground in putrescent play when he managed to lose a match at a Prerelease by forgetting to draw nine cards with Arcanis while the game was stalemated. It was like this.


Nick (untaps…pauses….looks up at the ceiling)

18,000 Words: How Accurate Were You, And How Accurate Will I Be?

I’m not guaranteeing I’ll hit every deck in the format, but I’d like to think that after immersing myself in these cards and in Magic Online Block Constructed tournaments, I have some idea of what will and won’t see play – and here are the important decks. Also, I’ll show you what the most popular Onslaught Block Constructed reader’s picks were!

Double Or Nothing: Pirates In Standard?

Jonny Chapman’s OBC Pirates! deck was aimed at beating a very focused metagame. It has aggro elements that MBC and ‘Tog can’t really cope with – and lots of ways to kill or control green creatures, without with U/G has a real problem winning. So what, you ask? Well, have you looked at Standard lately?

You CAN Play Type I #82: Looking At Legions, Part II – Black And Green Creatures

If there’s a weenie that caught people’s attention and even held some for quite a while, it’s Caller of the Claw. The logic went like this: Four power for three mana is mediocre by Type I standards (look at Phyrexian Negator). Four power for three mana in green just doesn’t cut it. But six power for three mana? Things start looking up.

Flexing U/G Madness’s Muscles

U/G Madness, a.k.a.”Wonder Dog,” is a deck near and dear to my heart. However, unlike most of its Tier 1 counterparts, U/G has a fair amount of flexibility in terms of different cards that can be added to it, altering it in subtle and not-so-subtle ways. So why don’t I walk you through a complete list of all the cards that have been tried in U/G Madness, and how each addition alters the strategy?

Are We Waving Goodbye To Dominaria?

Mark Rosewater informed us that the next big expansion, Mirrodin, will not take place on Dominaria. But we’ve got a little problem: So much happened in Legions that has to be dealt with – there’s such great possibility left open to Scourge that I can hardly believe that all the ends will be tied together. I see two main possibilities that might appear in Scourge to try to bring some finality to our long visit on Dominaria… And one of them is that it might be destroyed.

Understanding In A MODO Crash: Legions Blue Isn’t Funny, And Neither Are You, Probably

At a Detroit PTQ, as Judge Shawn Jeffries asked if there were any questions, some yahoo asked something dumb in an attempt to be funny. And here’s the part I don’t get: Then, some other moe raised his hand with another question – and I stopped listening after,”If we open a Words of War, can we…” because I knew the rest of the question would be blah blah Ravenous Baloth blah blah. Why do people DO this? Also, I rank Covert Operative at 13th, and that’s no joke.