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The Beautiful Struggle: When Bad Drafts Attack!

I’ve had bad drafts. Bad drafts are close personal friends of mine. Nick Eisel, that was no bad draft. It might have been close to a bad draft, and it would probably have been a train wreck if someone less experienced were running the show. But Eisel turned his draft around and ended up with a deck that he could turn into some tickets. How did he do it, and how can you do it too? Let’s take a look at what happens … When Bad Drafts Attack!

Vintage On The Other Side Of The Ocean – Some Tech Out Of The CAB-Labs

While Team Meandeck gets a lot of the press for building innovative new Type One decks (mostly because nearly their whole team writes for StarCityGames.com), other teams around the world have been quietly innovating on their own and putting up impressive results. Carsten Kotter and his CAB teammates are one such group, and Mr. Kotter is here to give you the complete skinny on a successful Vintage deck built around Gifts Ungiven. He even includes a note signed by “Epstein’s Mother” to enchance his hipster street cred.

SCG Daily – The Golden Age #5: An Extra Decklist for No Extra Cost!

Adam has built a lot of great and goofy decks in his first week on SCG Daily, but the likes of R/B SparkGoat may never, ever be topped.

The Past as Prologue: Extended 1999-2000

Extended Season is coming. Soon. Extended season always plays out about the same – the Pro Tour defines the early metagame, a new deck smashes the format, then hated-out decks resurface as the hate disappears. Old archetypes are rediscovered: the Life deck, for example, was played at GP: Las Vegas years ago. The past is relevant – it will define what you will play at the qualifiers. For this series, I will review each Extended season, one article at a time. I will look at the evolution of the metagame and highlight some of the defining decks. Then, since it is me, I’ll also discuss a few interesting decks that floated around

Owning the Extended PTQs

In what may be the most influential article of the Extended season thus far, Chad teaches you the crucial skills necessary to own your Extended PTQs and provides a heaping helping of sideboard and maindeck tech for anyone hoping to make earn a slot in Philadelphia. This is a must-read article for any serious Magic player.

Exploding the Myths of Team Limited

Ken uses his team’s Day 2 appearance at Grand Prix: Chicago as a platform to take a look at the Team Limited format and figure out what parts of the common wisdom are true, and which bits are myth. For exmaple: If you are trying to win a Team PTQ, your energies are much better spent practicing Team Sealed than they are Team Rochester. Always controversial, often insightful, KK brought his A Game with this one.

SCG Daily – The Golden Age #4: Rabid Combat, Not Wombat

I love Rampage, but sometimes, pseudo-Rampage is even better. The trouble with plain, workaday Rampage is that it always grants creatures toughness as well as power, and as my Uncle Toby Shandy likes to say, “The only thing better than toughness is power, and the only thing better than power is Rabid Elephant.” Once Rampage was retired as a mechanic, Rampage-like effects flourished. Cards like Spined Sliver, Rabid Wolverines, and Gang of Elk improved upon Rampage by including, essentially, Bushido-when-attacking to the mix. If you want to make the most of the idea, try something like this…

The Magic Jerk: Card Advantage and the Early Game

“In order to advance to the midgame with the largest possible advantage, in the early game play as if they have it, until you have the trump.” What does this maxim mean and how can undersatnding it make you a much better Magic player? Only the Magic Jerk knows…

Food for Thought: Frog Rides Again

Is there a super-fast Green/Red deck for Standard done in the style of the old Frog in a Blender decks? Dave Meddish thinks their might be, but he needs your help to know whether or not it’s really any good – just don’t beat him up for playing Lava Spike.

Deconstructing Arcane

With Dampen Thought-based Limited decks getting talked up a lot these days, the splice mechanic is getting the spotlight thrown on it in a big way. When drafting, as long as you know which cards are useful, the deck practically builds itself. Take the best card for you and pass; when it comes time to build your deck, you have all the pieces in front of you. In Block Constructed, the decisions aren’t quite as easy. With access to whichever cards you want, deciding which to run (and in what quantities) can be just as difficult to figure out as getting the draft version of the deck to come together.

SCG Daily – The Golden Age #3: My Favorite Giant

There were only thirteen of them, but their existence stretched from Legends to Mirage. That’s the length of seven sets (two large, five small) if you’re counting. If you opened a pack of Fallen Empires, Homelands, or The Dark, you’d never find one, but the mechanic they presented was a Magic staple nevertheless, a mechanic that found a home in each of the five colors. And of all the retired mechanics of the past, this one has, possibly, had the most influence on the later state of the game. What is this riddle of a mechanic I am talking about? Why it’s …

A Beacon of Fun

Who says all the fun decks in Standard can’t win? How about a deck that combines Dragons, Beacons, Rude Awakening, and Meloku plus Fecundity to boot? Bennie returns from his holidays to give you the lowdown on a deck that is powerful, competitive, and downright fun to play!

Sports, Women, and Magic… or “A Look at U/G Madness in Extended”

Good man and Grand Prix: Columbus Top 8 member Cedric Phillips makes his first appearance on StarCityGames.com with analysis of Pro Tour: Columbus, the skinny on the best builds of U/G Madness, and a couple of pictures of the smokin’ hot Philadelphia Eagles cheerleaders. What’s not to love?

Mining the Crystal Quarry: The Champions Multiplayer List

John takes a look at the Champions winners for multiplayer so that you can get everything situated before you are scrambling to grab the best cards from Betrayers as well.

SCG Daily – The Golden Age #2: Leviathan, Too!

In the first article in this series, we looked at Sheep, Starfish, and Hippo tokens. Today, we’re going to the other extreme.