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The Art of 999

It’s interesting… on the surface 9th Edition Limited seems pretty simple. However, every time we run a new article on the format writers seem to disagree dramatically on color strength and pick orders. Which color does Pelcak feel is the best and what do his pick orders look like? Enquiring minds want to know…

SCG Daily – Vintage Pimpness

I get a lot of questions from players who love their foils as to how best to maximize the pimpness ratings of their Magical cards. In order to make this a little more clearly apparent (and to write a slightly more whimsical than usual article) I’ve decided to take up the challenge as an article. Read on to discover maximum pimposity.

Speed Demon of Ravnica

Grand Prix: Nottingham is coming soon, only three weeks after the prerelease, and it will rock. A single GP is of course nothing like a PTQ season. At least it’s nothing like the PTQ London season was around here. There is only one shot at glory and there are only three weeks to get to grips with a brand spanking new format that has nothing whatsoever in common with the brand spanking old and stale format. Three measly weeks to break a Limited format? That requires some atomic-powered speed demon! I intend to become that demon. All y’all can come along for the ride; but beware! The road may be a bit bumpy.

Nice Deck, Kenji – Dutch Nationals 2005 *17th*

I’ve never done well at any Nationals and this year proved to be no different. While most players were getting their game on in the first three rounds and were “growing in the tournament”, “gaining confidence in their deck” or even figuring out their deck while winning some rounds in Standard, I proceeded to quickly 0-3. Couldn’t beat the mono Green deck and wasn’t even close with the White Weenie guy that insisted on giving me four extra turns. I had a shot at the 0-2 table against Ogre/Demons, but even after he threw away some cards for no reason he still managed to draw six spells in a row. Nice deck, Kenji.

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #133: Ravnica In Multiplayer

The spoiler is up; the set reviews are coming. I’m going to look at the set, too, but I’ll analyze it from a multiplayer perspective. Limited specialists can tell you how to draft it, and I haven’t tested enough to give you States previews, but multiplayer? I can do that. Is this a powerhouse set for multiplayer? Read on.

Legacy’s Allure

I played in my first ever Legacy tournament this past Saturday at Alex Shartsman’s Kings Games in Brooklyn, New York.
There was a Grand Prix Trial for Philadelphia there, so Alex’s store attracted a lot of non-regulars. The turnout was decent for a Grand Prix Trial not at a major event, with attendees including U.S. Nationals Top 8 competitor Chris Manning, Sped legend Jamie Parke, and Meddling Mage Chris Pikula. What deck did I play? Why something of my own design, of course. Who netdecks?

Building A Better Plant Zombie

I was excited to see Green/Black as one of the guilds that received focus for Ravnica, but everyone keeps trying to make the same old Green and Black deck. You know… the one that has been a tier two deck for the last five years or so? Making this great color combination tier one requires some ingenuity and thinking outside the box instead of going through the same old motions season after season. Let’s see just what the new set has to offer, shall we?

The Fall 2005 State of the Union Address

StarCityGames.com has undergone a great deal of change in the last year. Today Teddy Card Game addresses those changes, highlights many of the new features you might not be aware of for both Free and Premium users, and discusses your suggestions for improvements to the site. Do you want to know where Star City is headed? Check inside, my friends, check inside.

SCG Daily – Blue Mana for Beginners Part 3: Mono-Blue Control

I originally had plans to unveil a decklist after a couple New England tournaments to test-drive it. I decided not to do that when I rediscovered my affection for Shortbus Severance Belcher, and ended up winning with that instead. However, I’ve received a lot of requests to release this decklist anyway, and who am I to say no

Thoughts on Legacy – Flame Vault

Do you know what the hottest new combo deck for post-Ravnica Legacy looks like? Josh Silvestri does and he’s playing both Eve and Gwen Stefani today as he attempts to blow your mind.

When Life Hands You Bad Cards, Make Good Decks

Once again, Abe plays by the harsh rules he’s created for himself: a deck of bad rares sits next to his desk. He pulls out a card at random. Whatever he pulls, he has to build a deck around it. So what terrible, terrible cards has Abe drawn this time?

Jushi Blue

Terry missed out on the Top 8 at Malaysian Nationals, but his teammates finished first and second at the event. In today’s article, he takes an in-depth look at Jushi Blue, one of the best decks in Standard and one that you can expect to continue to see until Mirrodin Block rotates out of the format.

Magic Online’s 9th Release Championship: 1st Place! (Probably)

Noah goes for the gold today with his article about the 9th Edition Championships on Magic Online. Part tournament report, part Limited format expose, part cathartic rant about an event that never finished, this article covers all the over and underrated cards in 9th Edition Limited.

SCG Daily – Blue Mana for Beginners Part 2

Welcome back, everybody. Today we’re going to go over two of the hottest cards in Vintage right now and likely for a long time to come.

Boros Deck Wins

I’ve been wary of doing set reviews ever since I called Lightning Rift “junk” back when looking at Onslaught. So this is most emphatically not a review of the new Red cards. Instead it is a quick primer of what options will be available in Standard, more of a brainstorming of decklists with glorious Red cards in it than anything else. What is a Red mage to do when besieged with the urge to *gulp* splash other colors into your beautiful creation? Here are four new Ravnica Standard decklists to help answer those questions.