Three New Assassin’s Creed MTG Cards Revealed
Two new legendary MTG cards and a reprint debut at IGN Live.
Two new legendary MTG cards and a reprint debut at IGN Live.
You’ve seen the Modern Horizons 3 previews, but do you truly understand them? Dom Harvey breaks down a trio of cards that have players puzzled.
Modern Horizons 3 is full of references and call-backs to MTG history. Chase Carroll highlights five of their favorites you might not have recognized!
The Modern Horizons 3 Commander MTG decks are full of sweet new singles for your builds! Bennie Smith highlights some of the best.
Pauper Format Panel pre-bans powerful equipment
New previews for MTG – Assassin’s Creed coming this weekend
Check out the bonus cards from recent Secret Lair drops!
The Modern Horizons 3 Commander decks take center stage as our Commander VS crew use them for some out-of-the-box action!
Which Modern Horizons 3 cards can fit into Modern Prowess decks? Ryan Overturf takes you through ten intriguing options.
Our May MTG RCQ recap spotlights three local game stores and their winners
Season 3 – Round 2 will be first to have multiple US RCs at SCG CON events
Adam Weiss takes down Regional Championship in Dallas with Gruul Aggro in Standard
Check out all the events happening at SCG CON Las Vegas
Modified creature fans, rejoice! Bennie Smith explores Arna Kennerüd, Skycaptain from Modern Horizons 3 for your Commander MTG games.
Take a look at the new cards coming in the Jund Commander deck from Modern Horizons 3