Gideon Jura Returns As Mascot For MTG Arena x Hot Pockets Crossover Promotion

Magic continues to grow their catalogue of unique crossovers

Gideon Jura, illustrated by Aleksi Briclot

Magic: The Gathering has been no stranger to crossover promotions the last few years. From collaborations with clothing lines like Brain Dead and K-Swiss, to Universes Beyond Secret Lair drops featuring Warhammer 40,000, Post Malone, Street Fighter, The Walking Dead, and more, Wizards of the Coast (WotC) has made it clear they have no qualms about putting the Magic brand on just about anything.

As far as strange crossovers go, yesterday’s Magic 30th Anniversary Beanbag Chair announcement seemed hard to beat, but Reddit user zeLangweenee managed to do so by sharing an image of MTG Arena-branded Hot Pockets to the game’s subreddit.

Sporting the Gideon Jura avatar from MTG Arena on the packaging, these special-edition Hot Pockets come with codes for up to five in-game rewards, which you can view below.

  • Preconstructed Deck
  • Planeswalker Avatar
  • Planeswalker Deck Sleeves
  • 2000 XP
  • 2000 XP

Despite being sold in stores now, players interested in claiming their rewards will have to wait to redeem them, as the promotion doesn’t go live until March 1. Additionally, Hot Pocket’s website for this item isn’t even active, so no information on what cards the preconstructed deck contains or what planeswalker is featured on the avatar and sleeves is available.

What do you think of this promotion? Do you prefer meatball Hot Pockets or pepperoni? Let us know in the comments on Facebook and Twitter.