
Five New Cards Revealed As Disney’s Lorcana TCG Ramps Up Their Previews

Five new cards join the Lorcana roster!

With just two months until the game’s debut, Disney’s Lorcana trading card game (TCG) is picking up the pace of card previews! Check out five new, yet familiar faces!

First off, we have Ariel – Whoseit Collector. A four-cost 3/3, this Ariel is aligned with sapphire ink and quests for one lore. Her Look At This Stuff ability is one which we haven’t see before, allowing you to ready Ariel each time you play an item. This feels like it is just begging to be broken in a combo deck full of items.

Next up is the first Peter Pan revealed so far! Peter Pan – Never Landing is a three-cost 3/2 that is aligned with emerald ink. Thanks to evasive making Pan difficult to challenge, his one questing for one lore can quickly add up.

Simba – Future King is a one-cost 1/2 that allows you to draw a card and then discard a card when you play it. While it only quests for one lore, this steel ink-aligned Simba is a great way to cycle through cards. Cheap and efficient ways to draw and discard are also key for decks that have synergies with the discard pile.

The first Zeus card to be revealed, the God of Lighting is a four-cost 0/4 that quests for two lore. This amethyst ink-aligned Zeus comes equipped with two keywords: rush – which allows him to challenge the turn he is played – and challenger +4, giving him four strength when challenging.

The final card revealed is the charismatic Maui, a steel ink-aligned eight-drop with eight strength and willpower. While Maui has no abilities or keywords, he does quest for three lore, and is nearly unbeatable in a challenge. While Lorcana has yet to introduce cards that bring glimmers back to play from the discard pile, Maui is definitely a key contender that would benefit from this type of effect.

Lorcana’s The First Chapter is scheduled to release on August 18 in local game stores and September 1 for mass-market retail.

If you’re just now learning about Lorcana, be sure to read our comprehensive articles below, detailing how to play, the game’s product lineup, deckbuilding, and more.