
AuthorThe Ferrett

The Ferrett is webmaster of StarCityGames.com. And he is so made of awesome he glows at night.

The Man Behind The Mechanics: An Interview With Michael Elliott!

Sure, you know Mark Rosewater designs cards… But you only know that because he does all the PR stuff. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, Michael Elliott was the man responsible for shadow, cycling, slivers, licids, growing enchantments, the Rancor bouncing enchantments, echo, rebels and mercenaries, spellshapers, the oaths, fading, the avatars, gating, the en-Kors, the Laccoliths, the Flowstones, madness, the incarnations, amplify, and more…

So we sat him down for a good long interview to ask him why it looks like Wizards is predesigning our decks for us, how he would redesign Magic if he could do it from the ground up, his rivalry with MaRo, and what the most unpublishable mechanic he ever created was!

Wizards’ Greatest It’s

This weekend, we covered the Vintage Championships – and yeah, we made some boo-boos. So what if, for three hours, the name of the second-place finisher was spelled wrong? Does it really matter whether someone laid a Mishra’s Factory or a Mishra’s Workshop? And dare we talk about the match where, according to the names that we rapidly alternated between, four people were playing each other? Nah. Those weren’t really important. Not, at least, when compared to the mistakes that we found in the Tenth Anniversary of Magic Museum…

“I’m Sitting Here With A Check For $140,000”: An Interview With Ed Beard, Magic Artist

If you’ve played Magic, you’ve seen Ed Beard’s artwork. He’s been around since Legends, illustrating famous cards like the Elder Dragon Legends, Plow Under, Avalanche Riders, 7th and 8th Edition’s Birds of Paradise, and everyone’s favorite toothy win condition, Psychatog. Ed shares his memories on the beginning of Magic (he thought it would flop), his favorite piece, his thoughts on having his artwork on a card that’s dominating three formats, and an artist’s take on Mirrodin’s new look and 8th Edition!

The New Lessons Of Onslaught Block

So I witnessed the new Onslaught Block metagame up close and personal this weekend… And although we spent a hell of a lot of time reporting on everything that we saw, there were certain lessons that may have been lost in the shuffle. So let me condense the combined knowledge of thirty-seven articles and match reports to bring you the New Lessons of Onslaught Block.

A Ferrett On Vacation? Who Would Have Thought?

Starting today, the editor of this here site here will be in Montana at a family reunion and unavailable through Monday night. He has a boatload of articles backed up, which he’ll get to when he gets back, as well as choosing the recent contest winners and doing some general maintenance. Please keep this in mind when asking T.F. questions, as he’s still struggling to catch up with a recent flood of submissions.

Buried Alive For Anger, Guiltfeeder, And… Oh, Wait. No Glory!

The Regionals Tournament reports have been coming fast, and I’m still completely buried. (Alan Meaney’s thirty-page report didn’t help matters, taking up an amazing two and a half hours to edit, though it was about as good as tourney reports get.) As of this point, I still have twenty-six tourney reports to go – and as has been noted before, tourney reports are the hardest single Magic report to edit. (HINT: The next person who sends in any damn article that doesn’t have all of the card names capitalized is going to need a proctologist to remove my sneaker.)

As a result, I’ll try to catch up this weekend, but the reports pour in. I will ask, cheerfully, that unless a) you finished in the Top 32 or b) were running some sort of notably interesting rogue deck, you please refrain from sending in any reports for the time being. It will save me time and effort. Thank you.

Also, thanks to everyone who offered to pinch-hit for me; alas, the time it would take to train you to do it to my retentive standards would take more time than it would to get out from under this flurry of reports. And, God willing, this should only happen twice a year. Message ends.

How To Break An Editor

The reports have been flooding in, which is great – but unfortunately, tournament reports are one of the most editing-intensive and time-consuming jobs I have. I worked ten hours yesterday doing nothing but editing, and I’m still about twenty publishable articles in the hole. So if you have sent something in to me and haven’t seen it up yet, or if I’m slow to respond to someone, I apologize; I am, in every aspect, completely swamped.

It will get done. Eventually. I promise. Tomorrow: Nate Heiss’ triumphant report, Tim Aten’s valiant attempt, and the rest of John Stephens’ coverage.

Now THAT’S Job Satisfaction!

Much like P.T. Barnum faking his own death in order to see what people would say about him, it turns out that a fake resignation brings the nicest people out of the woodwork to tell me how great I am. It was great, and I have now vowed that I ever get the chance to engineer my own demise, I’m takin’ it. For those who didn’t get the joke, though, April Fools.

Adieu, Part Deux

It’s not really a strategy article per se, but I figured you folks ought to hear it first from me: Starting in May, I’ll be going from a site with thousands of daily readers to a site whose weekly unique visitors can be counted in millions – well, half millions, anyway – but I’ll have to get used to it. My fan mail will be different. The lingo will fade. And above all, I’ll really miss editing StarCity.

The Fill-In-The-Blank Issues Submission!

At StarCityGames, we’re always making advances in writing technology. In order to speed up the writing process, we’ve already created the Fill-In-The-Blank Set Review and the Fill-In-The-Blank Tourney Report… But alas, our forums are still filled with angry people. People who have to spend a half-hour at work condensing their venom and vitriol into words. What if we could give you that time back?

The Casual Player’s Guide to Surviving the Legions Prerelease

Legions is really breaking all the rules here, being a set composed entirely of creatures – meaning no sorceries, instants, enchantments, or artifacts – and you begin to see that really, you’re gonna be up the creek unless you get some help. So if you don’t know Sealed or just need advice from a roaming marmot, I’m here to help!

Live Coverage of Grand Prix New Orleans!

This past weekend, the StarCityGames.com crew busted their butts to bring you New Orleans live, as it happened! The best match coverage around awaits! Click here to view all of the coverage… or just check out the top 64 decklists!

Live Coverage At New Orleans! – Round 2: Laura Mills Vs. Elliot Fertik

The match had been perfect for StarCityGames coverage; Laura Mills, former writer for StarCity, was up against Elliot Fertik – a sporadic writer for StarCity. Two internet writers, from rival sites, going head to head in Round 2? How could you miss it? Includes a tremendous error, done twice in a row!

Live Coverage At New Orleans! – Round 4: Darwin Kastle Vs. Eric “Danger” Taylor

Baby Huey looked over at EDT, energy sparking from his eyes. After all, he and EDT both sat on the same side of the Feature Match table, facing off against Kastle and Dougherty.”Come on, EDT, we gotta take these Your Movers down!”
EDT smiled wearily.”I intend to,” he replied quietly.

Live Coverage At New Orleans! – Round 5: Diego Ostrovich vs. Jeff Cunningham

Eight damage smashed across the table to crush Jeff. Still on the fifth turn, Rofellos and Cradle poured a waterfall of mana into Ostrovich’s pool, summoning another Hermit, a Ravenous Baloth, a Call of the Herd, a Slate of Ancestry, and… Oh hell. It was over.