
AuthorThe Ferrett

The Ferrett is webmaster of StarCityGames.com. And he is so made of awesome he glows at night.

Flying Moggs Below The Radar

One of the most unique features of multiplayer is the forced conservation of resources. You have seven cards and two or three extra opponents – so how many can you afford to throw away before they outrace you? It doesn’t matter how thorough you are; some threats are going to sneak through. The question then…

I’ll Take Things That Suck For $500, Alex?

In case you haven’t heard, Meridian Magic just closed its doors, thanks to a combination of Cathy Nicoloff’s sickness (I assume – last I heard, she was bedridden for three weeks thanks to pneumonia, I think) and, according to her, the slow erosion of the NEED for a Meridian. To paraphrase what she says in…

MBC PTQ: Anchorage, Alaska

I awoke in a puddle of my own vomit, finally awakening from a month-long binge that consisted of Valium overdoses, gas huffing, toad licking, marijuana laced with embalming fluid, copious amounts of distilled water injected into the underside of my eyeballs, Gin and Tonics and Gin, soap scum remover, amyl nitrate, amyl dayrates (they’re more…

Apparently, I Suck TWICE As Much!: The End of an Interminable Contest

It has been officially proved that I suck. And not just because of this contest, either! Chris "Better Lucky Than Good" Cade combed my article to find that I had said: "(And incidentally to the incidentally, Sealed Deck and Draft are the closest thing to "fun" you’ll find in tournaments. I like Sealed Deck, even…

The Metagame: Is it a Multiplayer Concept?

In the parallel universe that I used to live in, was a truly killer card. Here’s what I had to say about at the time when it came out: ": Okay, I , then I . Now I . Is there anything left on the board? Say, my big flying Dragon is? Great! Not the…

The Genesis Of A Team

I admit it. I’m jealous. Everyone else on this crazy site (and Mindripper, and Neutral Ground, and everywhere else) has joined up with some sort of Team for Magic. And once again, I feel like I’m in high school, watching all the cool guys separate off into their own separate gangs while I am left…

Beating Type 1 On A Type $0.99 Budget

Before we get into blowing up Type 1 decks real good, let’s look back over the past week to see the Things I Have Learned In Editing StarCity: 1) THE SPELLCHECKER IS NO HELP. Go ahead. Hit "F7" and watch Microsoft Word choke on "", "", "", "untap" and "topdeck". I know I do, every…

Ferrettly Asked Questions

July 3rd is my birthday, and the first day on my new job as Editor-In-Chief at StarCityCCG. There are definitely worse ways to start off a new year. With that in mind, I figured I’d better answer some questions that ch’all might have about the new guy, and what plans he has in store for…

Ferrettly Asked Questions

July 3rd is my birthday, and the first day on my new job as Editor-In-Chief at StarCityCCG. There are definitely worse ways to start off a new year. With that in mind, I figured I’d better answer some questions that ch’all might have about the new guy, and what plans he has in store for…

The Official Rules Of Type WHO?

By GOD, Magic should be fun! Good Magic should make you leap out of bed in the morning and think, "Laws-a-mercy! I have a deck I need to build today!" Good Magic gives you something to think about when you’re bored at work. It creates friendships. It livens up an otherwise dull and dreary existence….

Does Monocolor Work In Multiplayer?

When Richard Garfield created Magic, he did a very wise thing: He made sure all of the colors had weaknesses. This was a very wise choice, because it ensured that everyone would have to buy five tons of cards in order to get a deck that worked. You think that the color limitations actually affected…

Prove That I Suck, Win An Avatar Of Will!

There’s basically three-and-a-half approaches to designing effective multiplayer decks: 1) Create a totally unstoppable deck that’s a constant threat — if anyone takes their eye off of you for a split-second, you win. EXAMPLE: A recursion deck that uses Elves to generate quick mana, Coats Of Arms for beef, and for a final attack with…

Prophecy: The Threat On The Horizon

Let’s open with a little ditty, shall we? (Sung to the tune of “Jimmy Crack Corn”) Lennon gets shot, and I don’t care; Elvis cacks off, and I don’t care; But Zappa dies, and then I caaaaare…. The Master’s gone away! My aunt, who was a reasonable woman, went completely berserk when John Lennon was…

Break This Player: Sample Multiplayer Profiles

John E. Douglas, the FBI’s premiere serial killer profiler, almost died thanks to his dedication to the profession. They found him in his room one day; his skin was the color of wax paper, his heart fluttering erratically, like a wounded bird trying to fly. He had been working himself raw because there were thousands…