
AuthorTed Knutson

Ted Knutson is the former Managing Editor of StarCityGames.com and is widely respected as one of the most knowledgable members of the Magic community.

Responding to De Rosa – Are the Japanese Cheating?

There has been some discussion in the Magic community lately about whether or not certain Japanese players are cheaters. Kanoot has seen a lot of Japanese Magic in the last two years and decided it was probably time to weigh in with his opinion on the topic.

The 2005 StarCityGames.com Awards

Teddy Card Game scours an entire year of content to bring you the very best of StarCityGames.com in 2005. What articles and writers walk away with the hardware? Who will win the awards that include fan votes? What special announcement does the Managing Editor make at the end of the article? The answers to all these questions and more are just a click away.

Mixed kNuts: Worlds Deck Tech

Teddy Card Game covers the coolest cards and combos that he saw firsthand at the World Championships. Looking for insights and analysis on some of the best decks to come out of the final Pro Tour of the year? Look no further.

Equal Opportunity Embarrassment

You may have heard there was a large party at the World Championships involving writers from this very website and singing. People you know, battling it out with nothing more than a pitcher full of beer and a microphone. Names like Tsumura, Oiso, Aten, Jonsson, and many many more, all concerned with one thing – having as much fun as possible. Teddy Card Game was there and catalogued it for posterity, including thoughts on where he has been the last two weeks and his near death experience coming home. If you’d like to see some of the best times a Magic player can have, then you need to click this article.

A Day of Thanks

Teddy Card Game takes a break from strategy today in order to thank unsung heroes from around the game.

Unpacking New Extended

Magic: the Gathering Extended Tech!Pro Tour Los Angeles showed just how great the new Extended format can be, with rogue decks and old favorites duking it out for the title of best deck and $200,000 in cash and prizes. However, there is a ton of information out there to sift through, so where do you even start? I’m here to throw you a lifeline in this sea of information and give you the insider scoop on what the coverage staff saw at this past weekend’s Pro Tour, including news on the controversial semifinals, good decks that flew under the radar, and what you should and should not play in the upcoming PTQ season.

SCG Daily – Ask the Editor

All your questions get answered today, including the revalation of Kanoot’s favorite goblin and the answer to: Who would win in a fight between Morphling and Superman?

SCG Daily – The Seven Levels of Magic Writer

Progressing at writing is not unlike progressing at Magic. The more you work at it, the easier it gets to perform at a high base level and the more you can excel at something beyond the rudimentary skills of the game. Having been intimately involved with the recruitment and training of Magic writers for years now, I have come up with a silly tiered system that describes where most writers fall in the community hierarchy.

SCG Daily – Translating Good Taste

Today Ted spotlights two interesting decks from the early States results, talks about the mistakes he made when attempting to predict this year’s metagame, and then discusses why country music certainly isn’t America’s most popular musical export.

SCG Daily – Rude About Food

Just before London won the bid to host the 2012 Olympic games, French president Jacques Chirac was overheard commenting that the English have the worst cuisine in the world as he was leaving a press conference. This supposedly caused outrage among the English and was given partial credit for pushing London’s bid past that of Paris. After all, who wants to hold Olympics in a country once governed by some obnoxious toad who doesn’t like English cuisine?

SCG Daily – Being Ted Knutson

So, you want to know what it’s like to run the best Magic site around and do coverage for the Pro Tour? Today, Teddy Card Game takes you way behind the scenes and gives you his opinion of what it’s like to be him.

Cock It and Pull It – The 2005 Championships Metagame

Year after year Teddy Card Game has provided the most accurate skinny on exactly what the Championships metagame will look like. He’s at it again this year with updated decklists, metagame percentages, latebreaking rogue options, and delectable cheesecake. This is the most wide-open Standard format in years… if you don’t read this article, you could be missing a crucial piece of information you need to succeed this weekend.

2005 Championship Deck Challenge: White Blood Cells

Welcome to the 2005 Championship Deck Challenge!
This deck is not some amazing creation that came to me in a dream. You aren’t going to look at it and exclaim, “Oh my God, that’s the most clever thing I’ve ever seen.” What it is, is rather simple and most good players have had this deck in their testing gauntlet for at least a week or two. What it is, my brethren, is a relentless beating machine that has been really difficult to deal with in testing. What it is, my people, is a strong version of what is likely to be the most popular deck archetype you will see at this year’s Championships.

Mixed kNuts: Skeleton Bones of Standard, Part 2

This is going to sound weird, especially coming from me since I’m typically pretty harsh on Timmy decks in my metagame predictions, but one of the hottest archetypes for the upcoming Standard season is almost certainly going to be enchantment-based.