
AuthorJim Davis

Jim Davis is a fifteen year Magic veteran with accomplishments at every level of organized play. He spent the the late 2000s playing on the Pro Tour, and after taking a few years away from the game he reemerged as one of the most accomplished players on the SCG Tour. After winning the 2015 Players' Championship Jim took on Magic full-time and now travels to events as part of Team BCW, produces content both here on Starcitygames.com and on YouTube, streams, and coaches.

Mountains In Every SCG Baltimore Format!

With Team Constructed on the horizon at SCG Baltimore, what’s a Standard, Modern, or Legacy player to do? Jim Davis is channeling his inner Oprah: “You get a Mountain! You get a Mountain! You get a Mountain! Everybody gets a Mountain!” Send those burn spells #Upstairs!

To Magic’s Armchair Quarterbacks: Enough.

Jim Davis looks back over his predictions for Pro Tour Ixalan (four out of five, not bad!) and calls out the armchair quarterbacks who tried to tear down Top 8 competitors after they made mistakes! The class on class starts now!

5 Bold Predictions For Pro Tour Ixalan

Yeah, yeah, we’ve seen the Temur Energy deck and the red aggro deck. Those are easy shots to call. What we want is some predictions with some power behind them! Jim Davis is giving us just that! We’re on our way to the Pro Tour with Grand Prix Atlanta just beyond!

Modern: Take Me As I Am

Complaining about a format may be fun–and it kind of is–but it won’t win you any games, much less tournaments! Jim Davis shows you how to adjust your plans and win various tough matchups, even when things seem bleak!

8 Decks For SCG Dallas And New Standard

It’s a special Select side edition of the great Jim Davis! This week he’s providing plenty of new Standard decks and ideas, along with pointers on how to pilot them! Get ready for Ixalan at SCG Dallas, because this weekend is going to be a barnburner!

Key Cards Missing From Ixalan Brews

Most of the decks players are working on for post-Ixalan Standard are missing at least one key card! Let Jim Davis help you avoid those pitfalls as you prepare for SCG Dallas!

Flipping Out Over Flip Lands

Flip cards are nothing new in Magic, but cards that flip into lands? Now that has Jim Davis’s attention! Get his takes on Search for Azcanta // Azcanta, the Sunken Ruin and the rest!

Can You Remember A Time When Gideon Wasn’t Legal?

Gideon, Ally of Zendikar has loomed large over Standard the past two years! But not long after Grand Prix Washington DC is in the rearview mirror, its time will be done. What other cards and decks will feel the pain of the fall rotation?

Of Ballista Rips And Bat Flips

Sportsmanship or emotion? What is the right thing to do when you win or lose in a match of Magic? Does the camera matter? SCG Players’ Champion Jim Davis debates the proper place of excitement and entertainment in Magic.