AuthorJim Davis

Jim Davis is a fifteen year Magic veteran with accomplishments at every level of organized play. He spent the the late 2000s playing on the Pro Tour, and after taking a few years away from the game he reemerged as one of the most accomplished players on the SCG Tour. After winning the 2015 Players' Championship Jim took on Magic full-time and now travels to events as part of Team BCW, produces content both here on and on YouTube, streams, and coaches.

VS Live! More Modern With Jim Davis, Plus A Rematch

Ross Merriam takes on special guest Jim Davis for two rounds of Modern, plus a rematch of a game they played on the SCG Tour over seven years ago.

VS Live! Modern With Guest Star Jim Davis

Special guest Jim Davis joins Corey Baumeister for two Modern matches before reliving a Grand Prix Top 8 in the latest edition of VS Live!

Let’s Talk About Control

Conventional wisdom says not to play a control deck in an unpredictable Week 1 metagame. Why does Jim Davis think that wisdom is wrong?

Love And Hate For Guilds Of Ravnica

Moderation is nonsense! Everything is either great or horrible, and Jim is happy to explain which Guilds of Ravnica cards are which!

Melding Guilds Of Ravnica Themes With Those From Ixalan And Dominaria

There are going to be more than just Guilds of Ravnica cards legal in Standard! You need to make sure to remember the older forgotten cards for new uses! Just kidding, Jim Davis has done it for you!

Building Boss Goblins

We’ve got just enough Goblins now for Jim Davis to take up his mantle as Goblin King and brew up something aggro! These are his results and his thoughts on the tribe in new Standard!

The Most Important Early Factors In The Standard Rotation

Jim Davis is providing a State of the Union of sorts for the Standard format! With one of the most impactful rotations in a long time on the horizon, what can we expect coming our way?

Pro Tour 25th Anniversary Predictions: How’d I Do?

Jim Davis called quite a few shots this time around! Check out his scary Nexus of Fate story, his thoughts on Vengevine, and much more!

5 Predictions For Pro Tour 25th Anniversary

The big Pro Tour is upon us, and with it the recent tradition of Jim calling shots! How many of his bold predictions here do you expect him to get right? Let us know!

Where Have All The Eldrazi Gone?

Eldrazi have been down and out a bit lately, but Jim Davis thinks it may be time for a big return! Today he analyzes the different varieties and which is best for SCG Indy!

Where Are Our Tribal Decks?!

Despite a ton of tribal support, it doesn’t seem like any of it is top tier! How can this be? Jim explores the tribes we have access to to see if one of them is hiding for SCG Philly!

Overrated And Underrated Cards From Core Set 2019

Jim Davis loves to look his readers in the eye and tell the truth! Some of these cards people are hyped about won’t make it, but many will! So which is which?

4 Reasons Goblins Will Succeed (And 3 It Will Fail)

One of the foremost Goblins fans in all of Magic is here to give you the good and bad news on its return to Legacy! It might make it, it might not—but here are the terms and conditions!

Core Set 2019: Here Be Dragons

Some Dragons are Commander staples. Others radically change Standard. So which are which when it comes to all the big Elder Dragons from Core Set 2019? Jim Davis gets ready to breathe some serious fire!

Catching Up: Pro Tour Predictions, SCG CON, And The Regional PTQ

As vacation time winds down for Jim Davis, he looks back on the last two weeks in Magic, from his Pro Tour Dominaria predictions to two big events!