AuthorGlenn Jones

Glenn has over seven years of experience covering TCG events and leans on that expertise to trace the history of Magic while uncovering potential diamonds in the rough of the Modern and Legacy formats. You can catch him on Twitch, Twitter, and anywhere else they'll let him run his mouth.

Stoneforged Sideburns In Memphis

Heading To Memphis for our Open Weekend? Glenn Jones has everything you need to know: a Standard/Legacy metagame wrap-up, how to run Time Spiral, all the sights, and all the sounds of the city of Elvis.

Too Much Information – Indianapolis, DC, and Edison Legacy Opens

Friday, March 11 – Just in time for the Legacy Open in Memphis this weekend, Glenn Jones provides all the data from the past three SCG Opens! Take a look to see what’s rising and what’s no longer good enough.

Too Much Information – Standard Open: Indianapolis

Monday, February 21 – Just in time for Open: DC this weekend, Glenn Jones brings you all the latest statistics about Standard from Indianapolis. How has the metagame changed due to Mirrodin Besieged?

Too Much Information – Kansas City and San Jose Legacy

Monday, February 14 – It’s Valentine’s Day – and Glenn Jones shows you some Legacy love by statistically analyzing the decks at the most recent Opens!

Indianapolis Besieged

Thursday, February 3 – Glenn Jones, Coverage Content Manager, has the information you need to be prepared for the metagame post-Besieged as well as where to find good eats! Join us in Indianapolis for an amazing SCG Open Weekend!

Too Much Information – Kansas City and San Jose Standard

Monday, January 31 – Glenn Jones is taking over for Jared Sylva as the TMI columnist and starts off with Standard! Time to crunch those numbers in preparation for Open: Indianapolis!

The Play in San Jose

Glenn Jones, Coverage Content Manager, has much in store for San Jose at the Santa Clara Convention Center this weekend. Make sure to catch up on the metagame for Standard and Legacy and find the best places to eat and play.

Kicking Off 2011 in Kansas City

We’re kicking off 2011 with a bang! The first SCG Open of the year is located in Kansas City, Missouri, and will be debuting our long-awaited SCGLive production. Glenn Jones will be managing coverage and has the low-down.

An Inspirational Invitational

Wednesday, December 8th – This past weekend we hosted the Richmond Open featuring the Invitational, and it was a huge weekend for Magic. Glenn Jones brings you the highlights and links to deck techs and more!

Glazed Over: PTQ Prague Report, Gainesville, FL *11th*

I believe that consistency is most important in Sealed, because power level is out of your hands in a number of ways. Build your deck to consistently incorporate the same plan over and over, as opposed to taking advantage of raw power draws that will only win a couple of rounds. Since most people would prefer to draw, I could squeak in with tempo. I have no idea if this is obvious to most. I was discouraged from this plan by many people… yet I finished higher than all of them.