
AuthorAlex Ullman

Alex Ullman is a long-time player and proponent of competitive Pauper. He has been playing Magic since 1994 and has been deeply involved in the Magic Online Pauper community since 2005, helping to spread the common word. He was part of the victorious inaugural Community Cup Team in 2009.

Avacyn Restored In Pauper

Wonder what Avacyn Restored brings to Pauper? For Avacyn Restored Week, Alex Ullman tells you which common cards from the new set you can expect to see in both established archetypes and possible new ones in the format.

Gambling On Plains: White Weenie In Pauper

Alex Ullman, who was a part of the Community Team that won the 2009 Community Cup Challenge, goes through White Weenie’s evolution in Pauper. Find out how you can succeed with this cheap to build Pauper deck.

Tainted Wood Infect vs. Stompy In Pauper

Alex Ullman is back with more information about Pauper. This time he talks about two viable green decks: Infect and Stompy. Check out which one you should choose the next time you sit down to play Pauper.

The Colors Of Pauper: Green

The color green wraps up Alex Ullman’s Pauper series. With its low-cost yet effective creatures, green is the perfect color if one wants to sling the beats in Pauper.

The Colors Of Pauper: Red

Alex Ullman continues his series on the colors of Pauper with red! Find out what red in the all-commons format is all about and what decks are at the top.

The Colors Of Pauper: Black

Black is all about excellent removal, graveyard recursion, disruption, and little creatures. Pauper captures the essence of black, and Mono-Black Control is still a good deck!

The Colors Of Pauper: Blue

Today, Alex Ullman talks about blue in Pauper and why it’s so incredibly strong! Sometimes all you need are commons. Join us all this week for a new Pauper article, one on each color of Magic.

The Colors Of Pauper: White

New to Pauper? Alex Ullman introduces you to each of the colors and what roles they play in this fun-filled, budget format. Join us this entire week for one color, each day of the week!

Delving Into Pauper

Pauper is a fun, competitive format largely played on Magic Online. With Innistrad, one new major player has emerged in Delver of Secrets, allowing for an array of new aggro-control possibilities. Check ’em out.

Innistrad And Pauper

Alex Ullman loves Pauper online as well as playing his Pauper cube. In this article, he reviews all the commons for both these formats and explains how this Eternal format will be forever changed by Innistrad.

Mono-Black In Pauper

Alex Ullman is a Pauper enthusiast, and if you miss the good old days when Mono-Black Control was a top deck in Standard, look no further than the all-commons format, popular on Magic Online.

An Introduction To Pauper

Alex Ullman is a long-time Pauper enthusiast and introduces you to one of the more diverse, fun, and accessible formats available. Who knew the world of commons could be so vast and wonderful? Check out these 12 decks to get started.