
AuthorAlex Ullman

Alex Ullman is a long-time player and proponent of competitive Pauper. He has been playing Magic since 1994 and has been deeply involved in the Magic Online Pauper community since 2005, helping to spread the common word. He was part of the victorious inaugural Community Cup Team in 2009.

Adapting The Aristocrats

While watching Pro Tour Gatecrash, Alex Ullman was inspired to brew by the winning deck. See the steps he took to adapt The Aristocrats to Pauper.

Posting Up In Pauper

If you want to play a control deck in Pauper, Alex recommends Izzet Post. He explains the deck’s game plan and provides a matchup guide to get you started.

The January Pauper Bans

How will Pauper be affected by the most recent update to its banned list? Alex tells you which decks are positively and negatively affected by the changes.

Gatecrashing In Pauper

Pauper enthusiast Alex Ullman takes a look at the Gatecrash cards that are likely to break into the commons-only format.

Delving Deeper Into Pauper

Alex Ullman writes a complete primer on Delver in Pauper, complete with card choices and matchup guide. Try out this fun format with some of blue’s best commons.

Is It Aggro? Is It Izzet?

Find out what happened when Pauper specialist Alex Ullman began experimenting with U/R Delver in honor of Izzet Week. In the tradition of the blue-red guild, it might not end up where you expect!

Goblins In Pauper

This time Alex goes over the cards in his current Goblins list for Classic Pauper and explains his strategy and sideboarding plan for common matchups.

The Case For Standard Pauper

Find out the reasons why Pauper enthusiast Alex Ullman thinks that Standard Pauper should be implemented as an additional format with the already established Classic Pauper.

The Pauper’s Guide To M13

Alex Ullman tells you which Magic 2013 commons you should definitely pick up for Pauper and includes some decklists that he thinks might be viable with new cards.

The Complete Pauper Pricelist

If you’re interested in playing Pauper with paper cards, Alex Ullman has compiled a complete list of cards that have seen serious play in the format and the number of each card you would need to purchase to have a playset of every potential card.