
AuthorAdrian Sullivan

Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir semifinalist Adrian Sullivan is considered one of the most influential writers and players in Magic history. Voted one of the Top 20 deckbuilders of all time by his Pro Tour peers, his decks have appeared in the Top 8 of major events for almost 20 years.

A Tale Of Two Thalias

Death and Taxes will be one of the more popular strategies for #SCGWOR, and the new iteration of Thalia is threatening to join that proven archetype! Adrian Sullivan weighs in on new Thalia’s chances in the big three competitive Magic formats!

The Modern We Know

Since the oppressive Eldrazi decks left the format, Modern has been a place of unbelievable diversity. In fact, it’s hard to wrap your head around it all! Luckily, Adrian Sullivan is here to make understanding the format much much easier!

A Tale Of Two Platinum WMCQs

Adrian Sullivan has been around long enough to understand tournament formats, or more importantly, the risks in selecting certain decks within them. He’s taking two big cases on current Standard to guide you and your #SCGDFW Standard Classic ambitions!

Displacer Taxes At #GPCOL

Adrian Sullivan has been an advocate of Death and Taxes in Legacy for some time, but his great finish last weekend shows that his tweaks may be all the archetype needs to take down the #SCGORL Classic on Sunday!

What To Play In Legacy

Still at a loss for how to use Eternal Masters to get into Legacy? Still on the fence about #GPCOL tomorrow? Adrian Sullivan has played Legacy with the best of them, and he has an excellent breakdown for those wary of the most celebrated Constructed format around!

Saito’s Visions

It’s safe to say that the deck Tomoharu Saito put together has taken the #SCGATL metagame by storm! Adrian Sullivan puts this deckbuilding achievement into the proper historical context. Is this deck for real?


Aggro. Control. Midrange. Combo. There was a time where another sinister archetype roamed battlefields. Adrian Sullivan revisits the concept of Prison decks, their impact on Magic’s history, and their viability in current Magic formats.

The Road To Nahiri In Mardu

Why does Jeskai get to have all the fun? Magic veteran Adrian Sullivan is on his way to #GPCharlotte with the rest of us, but he’s using Nahiri in a way that others may not be prepared for…

On Blue-Lamog

Using green cards to ramp is pretty much the standard, but what if we could do it in another color? Check out Adrian Sullivan’s latest powerful blue Ulamog deck for the #SCGINDY Standard Classic!

Old Wisdom From David Price

Magic veteran Adrian Sullivan got some priceless advice a while ago that still holds true today! What was it and what does it mean for your tournament success?

Poking Out The Eye Of Ugin

How different will #SCGMKE be now that Eye of Ugin is off the table? Adrian Sullivan’s approach to the event has been radically affected! Find out how!

A Look At Shadows Over Innistrad’s Red Cards

Aggressive red decks have taken down a lot of early format events, and Adrian Sullivan is definitely the player to ask about the good and bad of red! Though it wasn’t around this past weekend, can the fire make a comeback at #SCGINVI this weekend?

Crazy Colorless Mana

With all the new Shadows over Innistrad spoilers getting the excitement, it’s easy to forget that there are a lot more Standard cards out there! Adrian talks about the dangerous colorless possibilities hiding behind the new Innistrad hype!

The Eye Or The Temple?

It’s pretty much a given that either Eye of Ugin or Eldrazi Temple will be illegal in Modern in a few short weeks. But which should go? Is there an argument that both need to get lost? Adrian Sullivan states the case for each scenario!