AuthorAbraham Stein

As a two-time Pro Tour competitor, and a Bronze Pro, one thing is for certain: Abraham Stein is more than your average grinder. A self-proclaimed "student of the game" Abraham spends most of his idle time thinking of new ways to approach and explain Magic theory. With multiple SCG Classic Top 8s and a Top 32 finish on the leaderboard in Season 2 of 2018, Abraham shows no sign of easing up any time soon.

The Difference Is Blue And White: Azorius In Pioneer

Abraham Stein explores his favorite two-color combination in Pioneer. The triple banning on Monday has opened up the possibilities for Azorius, including Control, Flash, and Spirit tribal!

Defining The Pillars Of Pioneer

Can a format that’s only three days old already have pillars? Absolutely, says Abraham Stein! He highlights the engines, removal, and interactions that will define Pioneer…at least until the banhammer swings.

How To Adapt To A Standard Format Run By Bant Golos

Bant Golos crushed the Standard seat at SCG Philadelphia, without question. But the story’s ending isn’t written yet. Abraham Stein shares how players can change the next chapter!

My Top 5 Sleepers In Throne Of Eldraine Standard

Now is the perfect time to investigate potential sleepers in Throne of Eldraine! Abraham Stein gives his Top 5 sleeper picks and why you shouldn’t let them sneak up on you in the new Standard!

Green’s Lean Mean Killing Machine: Analyzing Questing Beast

Green decks have received a powerful upgrade for combating planeswalkers, and Abraham Stein is here to speculate just how much Questing Beast will impact Throne of Eldraine Standard.

How To Build Jeskai Stoneblade After SCG Dallas

After getting live data from SCG Dallas, it’s time to recalibrate Jeskai Stoneblade! Abraham Stein presents two versions that could bring you success in your next event!

What To Expect This Weekend At SCG Dallas

The SCG Tour heads to Texas just in time for Modern to turn into the Wild West! What does Abraham Stein see as the metagame heading into SCG Dallas, and how will he handle it?

Is Gruul Phoenix The Perfect Answer To Hogaak?

Abraham Stein returns with a look at what he’s missed in Magic! With Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis still towering over Modern, his Classic Top 8 finish with Gruul Phoenix points to a way out for the format!

How Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord Is Bringing Vampires To Core Set 2020

New Planeswalkers are always something worth trying to find a home for in Standard, and Abraham Stein has Vampires on the mind thanks to Core Set 2020 and Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord!

Hogaak Isn’t The Only Card From Modern Horizons Shaking Up The Format

This isn’t a technical gotcha with Altar of Dementia! Abraham Stein has found some real surprises from Modern Horizons, and he’s ready to share them!

How To Keep Up With The Rapid Changes Of Standard For The Season One Invitational

It feels as if Standard has never evolved so rapidly before. How can anyone keep up for the Season One Invitational? Abraham Stein shares his secrets and his deck of choice!


Abraham Stein has a long history with Slivers. He examines how new additions from Modern Horizons can make this old-school tribal deck even stronger!

War Of The Spark Isn’t Just Shaking Up Standard: Preparing For SCG Louisville

War of the Spark and its powerful planeswalkers are about to take a Louisville Slugger to Modern! Abraham Stein swings for the fences as he highlights the potential stars at this weekend’s Open!

A Lot Can Change In A Week: Preparing For SCG Syracuse

Just how much can the Standard metagame change week to week? Abraham Stein is betting on something big for SCG Syracuse, and he’s here to share his discoveries!

The Art Of Calling An Audible

You’re all set to run Deck A for a tournament, but something’s telling you to go with Deck B instead. Do you switch? Abraham Stein breaks down when and why to call an audible!