Vote Gomersall, Hoaen, Jonsson for the Invitational!

Sam Gomersall, Rich Hoaen, and Anton Jonsson are all eligible for your votes in the latest round of Invitational voting at Choose your Fanatic, and vote!

The next round of voting for the Magic Invitational is up. The category is “The Fanatic,” and we have three writers battling it out for your votes.

First: Sam Gomersall.

“You need look no further than the 2005 Magic Invitational to find evidence of Sam Gomersall fanaticism. While taking part in an Invitational draft, Sam had another window open with another draft using his personal account. Despite all the lures and distractions of E3, it was Magic Online that was the focus of Sam’s attention – so much so that tube feeding was nearly required. Sam parlayed that fanaticism into his first Grand Prix title this season in Hasselt.”

Some articles from Sam:

From Zero To Hero In Under a Week: How I Lost It All On MTGO, Then Won a GP
On the Team- English Nationals *3rd*

Second: Rich Hoaen.

“The amount of time Rich Hoaen spends drafting online is legendary and he was recently rewarded with a victory at Grand Prix-Richmond. Rich is never without a draft set, whether in real life or sitting next to a computer. It is entirely unclear which came first: the Hoaen or the Magic Online draft queue. But it is equally unclear if either could exist without the other.”

Some articles from Rich:

Ravnica Limited: Drafting All The Colors
Ravnica Limited: Drafting All The Colors – A Draft Walkthrough

Third: Anton Jonsson

“I don’t think Anton Jonsson sleeps … at least not when at a premier-level event. Morning, noon, or night, a somewhat disheveled Jonsson will be sitting with his friends cracking packs and making picks. How else do you get to be one of the top Limited players of all time? And Anton is not keeping it to himself, either. He strives to make others better through his all-too-infrequent columns on the Limited format and with protégés such as Johan Sadeghpour and Simon Carlsson.”

Some articles from Anton:

Anton Jonsson on… Standard?
Aftermath of a Failure

You can vote here.

Good luck, guys!

Craig Stevenson

[My vote? Each has a strong shout for the Big Show… but hey, I’m English. Go Sam!]