
Video: Naya Green Devotion In Standard!

#SCGBALT isn’t all about Modern! There’s a $5,000 Standard Premier IQ waiting in the wings as well! See Sam Black tweak on a strong archetype to give it what it needs to surpass the competition!

I’ve been really impressed with Mastery of the Unseen, so I’ve been trying to figure out the best home for the card. Partially inspired by David Moline’s Naya deck using Mastery of the Unseen from Los Angeles, I’ve decided to take it a step further and minimize the white and red splashes to get Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx into the deck, so that I can play it as a Green Devotion deck that can go very big with Mastery of the Unseen.

Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

Round 4

Overall, I feel really good about this deck. I spent a day playing it before recording this set of videos, and it’s been doing really well. I feel like Mastery of the Unseen adds a lot to the deck in general and that it specifically works well to shore up a lot the vulnerabilities it would have otherwise, either through massive lifegain against aggressive decks, or another kind of permanent and durable source of pressure against controlling decks.